
Is the world reli gona end next wednesday??x?

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Is the world reli gona end next wednesday??x?




  1. hope not, i get my giro on thursday, my

    dealer will kill me if i don't pay him.

  2. S.M,,,I/M  :)

  3. I'd better have that bath!

    Now where have I put those spare shreddies...?

  4. I doubt it but to be honest I couldn't care less one way or the other, what will be will be.

  5. YES!!!

    Its me birthday.

    why cant I I/m??


  6. No. The hydron collider has undergone extensive testing and independent scientists have said that there is nothing to worry about.

    Been nice knowing you.....

  7. Naw, hits reli knot!

  8. Probably not.

  9. no

    If you are referring to the Hadron Particle accelerator then my dear I am afraid you will be greatly disappointed it will not be the onset of armageddon only those who are ignorant of physics would presume such a thing.

    It's a research tool not created by mad scientists from the forties, we are talking serious research and maybe, just maybe a way forward to understandintg where exactly we originated from.

  10. No 'course it won't. The experiment will provide a fascinating answer into how and, hopefully why the universe started.

  11. No what you are refering to is the LHC however the test is on the 10th but the actual collision experiment isn't until next month which is claimed to destroy the earth by creating a black hole despite the fact that even our own sun isn't big enough to create a stable blackhole  

  12. isn't it exciting?

  13. No, its just gonna end for you

  14. I like Cakes

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