
Is the world too dependent on communication technology?

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Is the world too dependent on communication technology?




  1. In my opinion YES YES YES

  2. No, not the technology.  It can and does save lives.

    However the world seems to be dependent on the Talking Heads of the communication world to tell them what to think, how to think and what to believe is right and wrong.

    Kind of sad really, that people will take a small fraction of a communication and draw outlandish conclusions from it.

    Then there is the shock jock problem.......... but another time.

  3. No.

    Don't think so.

    Just enhance the means of communication in advancing in time.

    But not in the advancement and survival of living human kind in time.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  4. Yes, it is very vulnerable to sabotage, fraud, warfare, terrorism, magnetic/solar storms and the disruption of electricity supplies. If the system goes down, you cannot shop in a store, buy gas for your car or get money from a bank, problems I have personally experienced. The problem is there are no decentralised  or manual back up systems

  5. We have been too dependent on all forms of communication for some time now, which is probably why terrorists don't take it out, since even they are dependent on it.

    Just think what would happen if you could switch off the internet for a couple of hours.

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