
Is the year 2012 doomsday?

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Is the earth gonna spinn backwards?




  1. Yes first it will spinn backwards and then hurdle into the sunn. You betcha!

  2. I don't know about the earth spinning backwards, but I have heard on several documentaries on the History and Discovery channel and a religious station that something may happen in 2012.  Something about the Myan  calendar ending in Dec. 2012 and other predictions of the Chinese and their astrology.  I wish I could explain it better.  But if you ask me, I welcome the end because that means we might find a better life.

  3. What could possibly cause the Earth to spin backwards?  Where do you get such ideas?

  4. I haven't heard anything about the earth spinning backwards, but, no, 2012 is not "dooms day." Was the year 2000 "dooms day?" Think about the disaster so many people thought that was going to be. Yet we're all still here. Besides, I seriously don't believe our fate was predicted by the Mayans. These people made gruesome human sacrifices and cut their genitals, bleeding into the earth so that the cycle of life could go on. I don't know about you, but I don't quite trust their judgment.

    Also, is it just my imagination or did the Mayan calendar supposedly only go up to the year 2000 when everyone thought the world was going to end then? What - suddenly it gained twelve years?

  5. If you're worried about the year 2012, your worries can probably be traced to the Mayan calendar, which predicts that a new cycle will begin in the year 2012.

    This is a popular topic of conversation right now due to its relatively short time to the event, but the calendar doesn't predict doomsday scenario, it's a new beginning.

  6. no its not. chill out

  7. I got some nutcase at work who goes on about this constantly...

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