
Is their a benefit from war?

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Does anyone get something good out of it?




  1. Many will say our freedom was won through war. However, from what I learned in history, the United States has always been based on freedom, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, etc.

    War provides jobs for US citizens, but at what cost?

    The lives of hundreds and thousands of our young men and women. It doesn't make sense to me that we send our youngest and strongest to war, when experienced older adults stay home.

    I'm sure all the military people will disagree, but these are just my thoughts on the subject.

    In the age of digitalization, we still have men shooting at each other in real life! Why can't wars be fought digitally? It seems such a pity to lose so many young peoples lives.

    I guess I'm still stuck in the 60's.. Love and Peace, not war!

  2. gravediggers.

  3. 2)I look for a stable job, while everyone else panic's

    1)Or the inventions that are what passed around to others at the time

    3)Travel gets to be the worst aquirement at all times till other friends are willing to take me along?

  4. many benefits came out of WW II

    the wide spread manufacture and distribution of Penicillin comes to mind.

  5. Halliburton is doing well

    All the companies that make war material such as bombs and tanks and ammunition will all do well. All the companies that are do the repairs for things damaged in the war will do well. Etc.

  6. there are more benefits. it seems, if its a popular war. Now when I say popular I don't mean everyone loves it, but more often then not when a nation goes to war and the public is more involved there seem to be more benefits. During WWII the American people understood why we went to war. We were bombed by the Japanese Empire, who at the time was working along with the n**i German to try and dominate the world. Well, in that case, the American nationalism went through the roof and collectively as a nation we helped to win the war. In WWII there were 130 million people living in the US, and the amount of people serving during the war was 15 million, today there are approximately 300 million people living in the US and only 2 million soldiers in Iraq. The lack of public support has limited the benefits of this war. But a few key industries have benefit. Blackwater which in lamest terms are mercenaries have been doing well along with the engineering sector. Military develpoment of new and advanced technologies have benefited from the war along with translators. The need for people fluent in Arabic has increased demand for arabic translators. No surprise either is the benefit of oil companies from the situation in Iraq. Personally I think Iraq will be the sequel to Vietnam, another regime will ascend to power and we will again be viewed as a menace. When people found out the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a lie we were not surprised and here too, I feel when the truth is exposed that there was no reason to go to Iraq then we too again will not be surprised. But the biggest difference between Vietnam and now is the fact that the people reaping the most benefits are the Chinese and Japanese who are financing this war at the tune of 1 billion dollars a day in bonds, that we, collectively as Americans, will have to pay back when they come to collect.

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