
Is their a better, more energy efficient, way to sequester carbom dioxide besides compression and storage?

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Recent news has detailed efforts to reduce co2 by compressing the gas to a liquid and pumping into deep strata.This raises the concern of disruption by tectonic activity,and the energy required.

Wouldn't it be easier to use biologic processes to isolate the carbon in molecular form?I understand, for example,that sucrose,table sugar,has 12 carbon atoms per molecule. I never took organic chemistry, but I'm sure there are more complex hydro-carbon molecules that use even more carbon molecules.Most of these probably require more energy to produce-but honey,for example,is a natural process that takes natural plant sugars and forms it into a concentrated product.

Coal is formed from the remnants of old forests, so why not pack old mines with scrap wood or other carbonaceous waste before they are sealed?These methods would all isolate carbon, and reduce the carbon availabe to produce carbon dioxide. Isn't composting another way to fix carbon into the soil, or does it release co2 & methane?




  1. I just don't know everything I think about, but some how I just think we are getting the wool pulled over our eyes, with all this global warming

    stuff. The world is full of critters that emit methane gas at will, cows are especially capable. Rotting and termite eaten wood also emits methane, think of the jungles of the world.

    Volcano's spew forth God only knows and yet.

    This big blue marble is still here. We all know that at some time in the past there were so many gases in the air from volcanic activity

    that it ended the life of the dinosaurs, but here we are still breathing.

    I think we should all take some responsibility for there ""foot print" that is left daily. We need To plant more trees and stop cutting down the ones we have, ( I'm not talking pulp pine trees that are planted by the k-zillion every year, I'm talking untouched wilderness. We must figure a Way to pave our peaking lots with something  better than tar. We must figure a way to plant our roofs with grasses etc.

    Good Luck

  2. stop fossil fuel.

  3. The best answer would be to stop using fossil fuel and increase the amount of vegetation on the earths surface.  Why would you dig up coal (one form of stored energy) and bury wood (another form of stored energy)?  Coal contains more CO2 anyway.  Bio-fuels are a alternative.  They are using CO2 that is already in the natural system, so you are not increasing the amount of CO2 that is already in the system.

  4. a more efficient way would be to package dry plant material in sealed water tight plastic and bury in in large dry dumps.

    mines would not be a good place as most are wet.

    dry burying

    small valleys in the desert southwest lined with 60 mil plastic liner and filled with dry compressed plant material  and then sealed with a 60 mil plastic top cover and a layer of clay.

    this could be combined with ethanol production after they come up with a good way to get ethanol from non food plant waste. by drying and compressing the ethanol plant waste products into blocks and dry burying them.

    this would also be a good way of disposing of city plant waste. grass cuttings, tree trimmings.

    also AG waste. building waste old wood from buildings

    any high carbon waste.

    wet plant material rots and gives off CO2 and methane both green house gasses.

    If someone could come up with a way to take carbon out of CO2 in the air and form carbon  that could be used as building materal that would be great. carbon nanofiber made from CO2 would lock up a lot of CO2

  5. Here is people extracting nuclear energy for common carbon rods, they get 8 KW for gram of carbon using an ecological method without radioactives residues, portable, sure for health and economics

    The Question is use the best method for get energy from the carbon

    Carbon is an unlimitied power source in our planet.


  6. Easy Peasy, plant more trees!  each one locks up carbon, and even better, realeases the oxygen back for us to breath!

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