
Is their a disorder where you cant understand maths

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Is their a disorder where you cant understand maths




  1. Dyscalculia and there is a forum where you can talk about it, ask questions, etc. Is free and no fees to join.  I believe my son who is 8 has this and waiting to get tested.

  2. The question is too vague to get a good answer. It could be dyslexia or dyscalcula (I don't think I spelled that last one right) or you might not be understanding a concept and tutoring will fix that.

  3. Yes, it's called Dyscalculia or Number Blindness.  

  4. Now, the question is do you not understand it, or you see the numbers all jumbled up and making no sense at all?

    If it's the latter than you could have "number blindness", but if it's the former than it's somewhat normal. A lot of people don't understand math and are just in need of a tutor.

    Could you elaborate on the question some more?

  5. Yes, dyscalculia

  6. add/adhd

  7. dyslexia is when someone gets confused with numbers and letters and switches them up.

  8. I don't think there is necessarily a disorder with a name for that, what comes to mind is dyslexia.... but I believe that it is not restricted just to math. Do you not understand math because the numbers are always off? Or is it because your brain is having difficulty processing the information? I would see at doctor to figure out what is going on.       Good Luck!

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