
Is their a way that i can stop my bunny from shedding

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Is their a way that i can stop my bunny from shedding




  1. Is your bunny just shedding in one spot, like on the shoulder blades?  My bunny was doing that and it turned out it had a skin infection.  If the rabbit is shedding all over it is probably the heat, try to have your rabbit in a cool place.  Make sure you are giving your rabbit hay, rabbit pellets and vegetables.  I poor diet will cause it to shed.    

  2. Skin him.

  3. cannot stop the shedding.

    shedding is an important part of a rabbit's routine.this  removes the old and dirty fur from the rabbits and replace it with a new and clean coat.

    you may help it to shed by actually combing it daily to remove the hair nicely.

    but if it start shedding everywhere,you should take it to the vet.this might lead to loss of all the fur on the rabbit which protects it from cold.

    i hope i helped!

  4. No, your rabbit needs to shed to replace it's coat. brush a few times a week and pet from it's ears to tail down to help the shedding. brushing allows you to get the loose fur/dirt your rabbit may otherwise attempt to digest after cleaning itself. don't brush your rabbit to often, though/ Peopple who have rabbits with fur like an angora sometimes blow dry away the dust/fur, then brush. they brush more oftern because there rabbits are more prone to mats.if you rabbit is shedding to apoint where you can see skin, then something may be wrong. (if you can slighlt see skin on the neck, not so much a worry, most rabbits have fine fur there.)

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