
Is their any evidence of people from India visiting the Americas before 1492?

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Is their any evidence of people from India visiting the Americas before 1492?




  1. No.  the indians that were here, where not Indians from India!

  2. None. It would be nice to find a bronze axe, clasped in the hands of a skeleton dressed in Hindu garb, but nothing has surfaced. Neither have there been any myths to suggest such travel.

  3. Yeah. Sort of.  If you can believe Barry Fell, and his book "America B.C." (before Columbus). He claims there was trade with a number of countries well before 1492, including India. And that people from a number of countries preceeded Columbus. It's pretty much a given that Nordic people did, but he also claims that Welsh, Chinese and a number of other nationalities did too. Don't remember if he specifically mentions Indians coming here, though. Been a long time since I read it.

  4. No why?

  5. Are you adjoining the Indians with Red Indians? - if so, not.

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