
Is their any hope for me?

by  |  earlier

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to be able to run 1.5 miles in under 8:55 minutes if I condition myself for a month and then work at it for the 6 weeks that I am in basic training. I just kind of want to know exactly how hard this is to do and if I have any chance of being able to do this with no track and field exp.




  1. Without knowing your current time, it is difficult to know.  If you are at 25 minutes for 1.5 miles you have a signicant battle on your hands, but if you are at 10 minutes this is much easier.

    You are looking at a 6 minute per mile pace or 90 seconds per lap.  It is a pretty good pace (10 mph).  Best thing is to baseline yourself.  Once you do this, then you can manage your expectations and develop an action plan.  You can do it on a treadmill so that you can control the pace or go out to a track and run it.  I propose the second one.

    Good luck!

  2. Are you already physically fit?

    i think you could

  3. ya you could

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