
Is their any other website similar to that of Jajah for making calls using same modus operandi ?

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Is their any other website similar to that of Jajah for making calls using same modus operandi ?




  1. Mobivox is very similar:

    I can really do the same thing with my GrandCentral account too, but GC isn't currrenly taking new sign-ups while they upgrade their services and marketing strategy.  I'm looking forward to what they come up with next (hopefully soon).

    Really these services are just VoIP services with novel marketing schemes with novel features.

    Jajah and Mobivox are really promoting "call back" and "calling card gateway" local number access features.

    I can do the same thing with my pure-play VoIP service like CallCentric.  With CallCentric I just use their web-based "Click2Dial" feature.  This creates a "call back" to any phone number I specify and then specify the number I want to connect to.

    As far as the Calling Card gateway access goes, I can do the same thing with CallCentric.  They provide world-wide local gateway numbers to call to get access to my VoIP account, from any phone or cell.

    Here is how:

  2. free us and can

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