
Is their anyway i can look better than i do?

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to make me look normal instead of ugly, i really hate my face. Is there anything that can make my face look better?




  1. you have a gorgeous face just treat the acne and you will be a stunner.

    Good luck .

  2. You're not ugly at all you look like a young Brad Pitt and you have pretty eyes, nice kissable lips and cool hair you just need to treat the acne and you'll be a 10 for realz.

  3. naw dont hate yourself. try acne treatment and shave :)

  4. my girlfriend has bad skin,that has gotten better  she is taken a pill for that but sadly they don't do it for guys, I can help you out, just to give you some advice, it depends on who sensitive your skin is. but here are a few tips to make it better, wont be over night but you can still try lol most people here have not gotten you some real answers

    1. avoid harsh washing creams they mess up your skin

    2. don't use soap, use non soap product, I forgot what those are called

    3 go for the natural creams

    4 you should moisturize your skin

    5 ask at the pharmacy for tea tree oil toner it helps for some acne

    6 look into a store called LUsh and go there if there's one near your city they can help you there, they sell the natural stuff.

    7. drink water lots of water, and eat your fruits and vegetables

    8 don't touch your face to pick it, your hands might carry germs.

    9. if you have oily skin which it looks like you do you should do an oatmeal mask, its just oats and water, look into it, it feels weird lol but its suppose to get the oil out,

    10. the problem with some products that are suppose to take out oil from the skin I think if you use too much of the product, and since your skin is naturally oily you'll end up making more oil lol

    well hope this helped,  I wont go into the details into everything but look into it

  5. SHAVE




  6. going to the dermatologist is the best solution. C:

    saves you money on all the acne treatments that don't work that you bought. :D

  7. hmm just some acne treatment, thats about it. ur not a bad lookin guy.

  8. all you need to do is just clear your acne.

  9. acne treatment,change in your hair style and alittle broader nose makes u HANDSOME

  10. just use a different face wash and shave more.

  11. If you just got rid of the acne, shaved, and got a really trendy and cute haircute like zach efron you would be totally HOTT!


  12. hey bro its not your face you look pretty bad *** try to change your hair and your acne is not bad at all just a little cream or something

  13. all you need is some treatment for you skin.

    -theres nothing wrong otherwise.!

    your a good looking guy.!!


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