
Is their anyway to improve my eyesight naturally?

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Basically i have to get my eyesight up to 20 in 4 years, and dont give me that '' Eat more carrots t**d because i know it dosen't work. :)




  1. Stop sitting on a chair staring at the computer screen....

  2. No there is no exercise you can do.  

    Carrots are over-rated, though you do need an adequate amount of proper vitamins for your eyes to work properly

    People may tell you about the "Bates

    Method" but it is completely bogus.  It resurfaces every decade or so as a "new revolutionary" treatment.  

    Bates was an opthalmologist born in 1860, who apparently had a bit of a mental breakdown, or psychotic episode, and suddenly disappeared in 1902.   When he resurfaced a few years later he had come up with his Theory of Accomodation and a series of exercises designed to help "weak " eyes.  Ah yes, the classic lone inventor myth fighting against orthodoxy.  Yawn.  

    Unfortunately it doesn't work at all.   It has been thoroughly investigated and debunked.  There's a nice chapter on it in Martin Gardners classic "Fads and Fallacies in the name of science" which was first published in 1952,  and is still relevant today.

    Skorpian does not seem to have a credulous bone in his body.  He'll believe anything.

  3. Yes, people can relearn to see clearly and naturally without the crutches of glasses or other artificial corrections. Basically they need to upgrade their vision software for these complex times, or unlearn the incorrect vision habits which give us blur and reintegrate the correct vision habits.

    People should do a little more research before they defame a person.

    In 1885 William H. Bates graduated with a medical degree from the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University in New York.  Dr. Bates became a successful and well-respected eye surgeon in New York, where he was an instructor of ophthalmology at the New York Postgraduate Medical School and Hospital from 1886 to 1891.

    He discovered adrenalin and his work was published the New York Medical Journal in 1886.

    He discovered that we interfere with our perfect eyesight and that that interference gave us blurry vision. He helped many thousands of people return to perfect eyesight without artificial corrections, many of whom did not have the means for treatment. The Optometric Society did not like him interfering with their business so they kicked him out in 1891, all this before he disappeared 1902 and was found with amnesia/identity loss.

    Because of his success many people tried to copy him. Because they did not ask him what he was doing, the best they could come up with was eye exercises or eye pushups. Eye exercises like those taught by The See Clearly Method do not work. Most optomotrists and their patients today confuse Natural Eyesight Improvement or The Bates Method with Eye Exercises.

  4. do some eye aerobobics - no bull theres actually a book out on it tried and tested methods lol

  5. The Bates Method works, find a Bates Teacher in your area, and buy the book. SkepDoc does not speak from experience, just mere arm-chair cloed-minded skepticism and unbelievable ignorance. Although he thinks his right, and what he is doing is right, but he percieves it not, that he is in the wrong.

    Also look into Gerson Therapy, the vitamins/minerals in fresh organic veg/fruit juice will speed up the process. Also take 2000mg of Omega 3, strictly Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega, or the Carlson's brand, as they are pure pharmaceutical grade and need to be refrigerated, unlike cheaper brands. Omega 3 makes up the cell membranes of cells in the eye. Also take a good high-strength multivitamin/mineral in a bioavailable form, like Higher Nautre brand.

    Go to for more information, we need more doctors like Dr. Mercola MD, and less skeptical, ignorant, arrogant, and closed minded MD's

    Hope this helps.

  6. Get good REM sleep!

    Go to; go to remedy by ailment, then go to eye health.

    There are a few things that will assist in general eye health. In the long run it will work well. Its worked well for me. I don't wear glasses anymore and Iv been using the herbal eyebright for 1 year now. YAY!

  7. Eyesight can be improved by doing specialized eye exercises and by eating healthy.

    Specifically you should consume more fruits and vegetables as they contain lutein and zeaxanthin. Medical studies show that they are extremely effective in mainting healthy vision.  Here is a study from the PubMed database:

    Lutein can be found in high amounts in zucchini, red seedless grapes, squash, pumpkin, spinach, peas, celery, Brussels sprouts, cucumber, and green peppers. Carotenoid content can decrease during the cooking process, so vegetables should be eaten raw when possible, or lightly steamed in order to maximize availability. Good sources of zeaxanthin are orange peppers, oranges/orange juice, mangos, and honeydews.

    Many of these foods have high lutein content and low zeaxanthin content or vice versa. However, corn has an abundance of both nutrients, though it is still important to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables of different colors because of the many other nutrients in them that promote overall health. Egg yolks also contain a high amount of both.

    If you are not consuming enough fruits and vegetables, the federal government recommends at least five servings per day, then a convenient alternative may be to take a dietary supplement.

    My company makes such a product. It helps athletes with sports vision but can also be used by non-athletes.

  8. u r wrong it does work. also with a vision formula vitamin from walmart also works . goodluck wish u the best.

  9. Reducing your sugar intake will help to slow down further deterioration.  See items 13, 54 and 68 (of items 1-146) in .

  10. Try the Bates method

  11. Nothing will improve your eyesight other than some form of lens or laser surgery.

  12. try to eat lots of Vitamin rich content foods

    never increase your glass prescription unless must try to refuse them if minor decrease.

    carrot are good but some say it is an old wife's tale.

  13. Eat more veg.

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