
Is their life on other planets?

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Is their life on other planets?




  1. I know just as much about the matter as you do pal

  2. Not on any of the planets in our solar system, but there are billions of other planets out there the we couldn't possibly travel to...sooooooo....It's not something we can know conclusively...SETI is working on sending transmissions into space, just to see if we can get a signal far, nothing, but as technology improves and we build stronger source signals, perhaps we could reach a civilization relatively close to our own technological level....if they were far above our technological level, they would have presumably sent a transmission to us...if they are far below our technological level, it's doubtful they could receive any signal from us...

    SETI = Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence

  3. no if there was it wouldn't be COMPLEX life it would be like algee if there is WATER but I doub they even found WATER on other planets

  4. Most likely there is. There isn't proof so far, but because there are so many planets, it is highly likely that at least one other of them is capable of supporting life.

  5. maybe there is....aliens may take over the earth

  6. yeah..... my boyfriend lives on pluto

  7. Think about it. Millions and millions of other solar systems, galaxies, and trillions of planets. Now, there's gotta be life on at least one of ;em.

  8. Research says yes.

  9. yes but what woud happen if we found out today i think it woud chage a lot of peoples minds about **** like god and we woud just destroy ourselves

  10. i dont think God left us by ourselves

  11. not that humans no of, but since there are millions of other planets it is quite likely




  13. Yes

  14. Is whose life on other planets?

  15. Possibly. We'll never know until we find them. It's like asking if the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists. You can't disprove him, so does he exist? I BELIEVE SO!! PASTAFARIANS ALL THE WAY!! I've been touched by his noodly appendage.

  16. nope

    if you believe in aliens there is,

  17. categorize all the answers above me into :

    1) we don't know (the correct answer)

    2) everything else... including the insulting dude that said you gotta be "an absolute fool" not to believe what he believes.

  18. I think you have to be a complete fool to say that there isn't.

  19. Yea.

  20. I believe so. It's kind or unrealistic to believe that in this vast universe we're the only form of life.

  21. Well nobody in the world is 100% sure.

  22. They've attacked us! Sabotaged us, abducted us, murdered us! We're not the only people on this galaxy, and we all know it!

  23. So far we have only checked on three "planets":  Earth, Moon, Mars.  

    We have found life only on Earth.

    We readily accept that there is none on the Moon.

    On Mars, we are looking for signs that maybe, perhaps, life existed at some point --- and so far we have not found any convincing sign of that.

    There are planets where we have excluded "life-as-we-know-it" just because of the conditions that exist there (e.g., Mercury, Venus).

    We have not completely given up on life (very basic) in other parts of the solar system (e.g., Europa), but we do not expect any intelligent life.

    Past that, we are only guessing.

    So, the answer is: we do not know.  All we know is that we have not found any... yet.

  24. yeah there is life on Mexico

  25. Astronauts aren't sure yet, but there might be life on i think mars or something, I cant remember which planet but they found water on the surface, so there is a chance of life being under the surface.

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