
Is their money for me?

by  |  earlier

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,i hear their is money for Cherokee indians, can someone help me if their is?




  1. I can't help, but I linked the official website of the Cherokee Nation.  If anyone can help, it will be them.  I would guess the first step is to be formally recognized as a Cherokee.

  2. You'd have to be enrolled in a Cherokee tribe that distributes per capita payments.  There are 3 (just 3) federally recognized Cherokee tribes and only one distributes a per capita payment to its enrolled members/citizens: The Eastern Band of Cherokee, located in North Carolina.  If you are enrolled in EBC, you'd be eligible for per capita payments from EBC.  If you are enrolled in Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma or United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee, you would not be eligible for EBC per cap and neither CNO or UKB distribute per caps.  There are also some state recognized Cherokee tribes, none of which distribute per caps.  There are also non-profit organizations that call themselves tribes.  They surely do not give you money as they ask for money from you in order to join their "tribe."  
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