
Is ther a way to stop abductions?

by Guest57991  |  earlier

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i have been ubducted.i know they are not "evil" because if they wer i would be dead by now.the idea of them pops into myhead atleast 40 times a day.somtimes i here weirdsounds when im trying to talk to my spirit guides and i mention stuf about aliens i hear sounds.when i close my eyes my third eye gets pictures of them.i know i donot have any mental problems.its not like i ubses over it.but how do i make it stop.and yes i am a wanderer.




  1. Dont live in a trailer park and you wont be abducted. (lol)

  2. I don't think you have a mental disorder, I think you are a thirteen year old with a good imagination.

    Just because you think about aliens a lot, saw something unidentified in the sky and have something wrong with your thumb does not mean you were abducted.

    Try and think more sensibly. There is enough amazing stuff in the real world without having to resort to crazy, impossible ideas.

  3. I think you may have schizophrenia. Report to a psychiatrist for an evaluation immediately.

  4. I contend there have been no abductions.  I believe, based on the information contained in your question, that you may have what's called a fantasy-prone personality.  This is a far more plausible explanation than your perception of events.

  5. Next time your abducted issue an Amber Alert. It may not stop abductions but it will get the Intergalatic Police on the case very quickly.

  6. Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior. Have the church lay hands on you to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Ask the Lord to protect you from the aliens and station His angels around you to protect you. Bind Satan verbally from using aliens to abduct you "in the Name of Jesus". Pray in tongues with your prayer language when you get scared. If you sense an alien presence around you, verbally bind them in the Name of Jesus and order them in the Name of Jesus to flee from you immediately. Several christians have confirmed this always works.

  7. I didn't even know that actually existed. Are you sure it wasn't just a dream? Or a hallucination?

  8. Ok, there are two problems with your theory.

    1. Abductions aren't real. (As I've been told)

    And 2. That is just c**p, if you got abducted, you would be dead.

    Sorry can't answer your question.

  9. Evy...I added to my other question and asked if you had had any unusual dreams before I read this question. How old are you now? Do your parents know? What do they say to you about it? Did they see the UFO too..or anyone else see it?How old were you when you saw it (you said all this started when you were 5) As far as I know there doesn't seem to be any way to stop it from happening. But, if you really want to stop obsessing about need to get your mind on other things and when it comes into your mind..keep saying "NO" and immediately get your mind on something else. If you haven't been on this section need to read everything in Resolved Questions...Maybe if you understand more will help and then you'll be able to go onto other things in life. Don't let it totally control your life. Other people won't want to be around you because they'll get tired of hearing about it & won't understand it anyway & get bored. Whenever you want to talk about it...come here. Have you seen/read the links on Star Children? Just google & you'll get several. Please answer what questions you can that I've asked.Thanks .

    OH..I have a similar question in the Alternative Section.Just go to Science &Math/Alternative/Alternative, I guess. It's right after Parapsycholgy.

    Edit..Here's a link from "Coast to Coast"..a talk show.

  10. You said:

    "The idea of them pops into my head at least 40 times a day."

    "It's not like I "ubses" over it."

    Now, if you are up 15 hours in the day, you think about it once every 22 minutes. I can't even say I think about s*x that much, and God only knows I do obsess over it.

    I think you need to consider the possibility 1) that you are obsessing over it and 2) that this is actually all happening in your head. I don't mean to be insulting, I just think you've convinced yourself of this.

  11. Try pepper spray or a taser gun!!

  12. They generally can't kill you - there are Gods Laws (Universal Law) they have to abide by in that framework. Abductions are generally (not always) 4D-STS materializations on this plane. Not a physical thing really.

    Get some orgonite around your home, and around your bed. Generally that creates a toxic environment for them.  Also I highly recommend spiritual protections. Pray to God and Jesus for protection, coat yourself with the blood of Jesus.  Visualize a white light bubble over your body, ask your angels to reinforce it.

    Declare your free will, and specifically state you do not accept these things, and demand they leave your experience.  Then WITHDRAW your attention from them immediately thereafter, and focus on spiritual things.  Read the bible, quiet your mind, ask for angelic and Jesus protection.

    Send them love, and "Forgive" them.  Forgiving them speeds karmic retribution to them for their actions.  Research spiritual/psychic protection methods of all types, implement them.

    Earth in the seen and unseen is actually a spiritual battleground.  Lack of belief or ignorance to this is no protection.  So get on with it!

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