
Is ther something wrong?

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My dog is pregnant 60 days today. Last night about 10:30 she started nesting messing up her blankets. I then took her temp it was 98.9. No panting or shivering was breathing alittle hard. Stayed in her whelping area most of the night. It is now 6:40 a.m and no puppies. Is there something wrong?




  1. I wouldn't worry to much until her water breaks and no normally takes up to 24 hrs in stage 1 labor before she starts whelping pups..if her temp is that low she should start to have pups sometime today if not by tonight...if she starts to push and no pup for a time frame of 20-30 min, then yes i would consult your vet real soon..if her water breaks and no pup within 20 min then call your vet, if greenish blood and no pup  within 20 min then call your vet...all that is an indicator of a stuck pup or trouble..the greenish blood comes from the placenta and if it comes out without a pup then the placenta has detached from the pup inside and if the pup  doesn't come out within 20 min it can suffocate...

    stay with her as that will help her feel safe through this and like i said if she starts to push and nothing happens i would call a vet...if she does start to push and pups start to come out, make sure you have a heat lamp and a small box with a old blacket to seperate the pup from her when she is whelping another pup..also have old towls to help dry them off, warm water just in case a pup come out not breathing, have a baby nose suckers so you can clear the passage and the warm water to warm a towel up and put the pup in it and hang upside down and whisp him to get him to start to breath..

    I hope all is well..good luck..

  2. No she is fine just give her time the pups will come

  3. She is just preparing her place, so when the time comes, she will be ready..she is fine, should happen soon, she will begin panting, laying on her sides...don't worry yet...but when she begins having the pups, be sure you are close and that the pups as they come are breathing and okay, she will do most of the work, but may need some help to clean them up and get them to start nursing....keep plenty of dry warm towels to clean them off.

    I use to have a female lab, this is all the signs..

    now all my 3 labs are males, thank goodness..

    your dog is just preparing, she is okay.

    stay calm, and so will she, if you get all nervous and upset, the dog will sense it as well......stay calm

  4. how is she acting now?

    i see your name is bulldog is this the breed of dog in labor?

    if so alot of the times bulldogs will need a c-section the pups are to big, i dont know if this is the case but if your dog starts panting and you can tell shes trying to give birth you would have to rush the dog to a vet, or else she and her pups could die.

    This is exactly why breeding should be left to the professionals and people who know what to do in these cases, after your dog hads the pups get her spayed no point in making her keep having more unneeded puppies.

  5. Not necessarily but if this is something new for you you should have someone who has done this before help or take her to the vet.

  6. As a breeder you are supposed to have a vet on hand. you don't say what kind of dog and what she was bred with, it is possible she will need an emergency intervention, a c-section to save her life and possibly the pups is between 3000-4000. Was the male much bigger than her? How old is your dog? Has it had pups in the past? Is she panting heavily? Please look into all this..she may be just fine but if she has been in labor without producing pups by now get her to a vet immediately!

    If she is a bull type dog, chi, or some other small breed, you could be in trouble..however if she is not actually in labor call your vet and talk to them and keep him on standby for emergency complications or questions..Do you know how to help her? You may also want to know that a little late but good thing to know! Make sure she is supplemented in feeding she will need the extra energy hopefully she has been the whole pregnancy.  Good luck to her!

    ADD: Just read your new info she is okay sounds like!!

  7. She can do this for quite a few days, even a couple of weeks getting ready to have her puppies...nothing to worry about but if in doubt see a vet. She should actually have a vet check before her puppies arrive anyway.

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