
Is there, truly, anything too 'sacred' to write about?

by  |  earlier

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Seems to be the theme of this Saturday. And, it's a good one!




  1. Not sure but I plan on writing about sharks that swim in the waters of my workplace. Finally have an hour to come up with it

    I may write some more dark stuff as well. You know the kind that seems to put people off :)

  2. Great question.

    No, because poetry comes from within. Therefore, it is all sacred. Sometimes with newbies we get in this forum something happened in their lives that touched them so deeply and profoundly they had to write their feelings down. I always try to keep that in mind when asked to comment on what is sacred to them.

  3. I have written about death, birth, hate, love, religion, and many other things.  Some of them I liked and others hated, some others liked and I hated, some we all hated, and some we all liked.  I have on request written pornographic poetry that made me blush to write, and have written erotica that was sensual but not pornographic in nature.  I have yet to cover all subjects, but I am sure that no subject has ever been a "sacred cow" in my writings, although I do dislike some subject matter.

  4. Sky's the limit and topics are many and nothing is too sacred that cant be  subject of the poem!


  5. I don't get this question for some odd reason.....

  6. There's nothing you can't write about. Whether someone likes it or not is another issue.

  7. Here in Beijing you have to be careful what you say.  I could not access the Internet but they seem to have "relaxed" their decision.  I had to use a "Proxy Server" before in order to get out.  I have NEVER seen so much private security, Police, Special Police Forces and Military Forces..all armed and ready for any dissident action.  Although it is "smoggy" it is breathable.  The high temperatures and high humidity have added to the environment.  They shut hundreds of factories down during the games which I'm sure helps.  Air conditioning has been my saviour.  I close for now as ALL forms of communication is being monitored.

    Sacred....only in Beijing........

    We'll see if this gets through.

  8. If's its Muslim, cuz you don't want to be exploded.

  9. No there's nothing too sacred to write about. However, it is wrong to write about something serious such as rape or murder in a "whatever" or in a positive way in my opinion. And if you do write about it, keep it to yourself kind of thing.

  10. After reading Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451" I became totally against censorship. Write what you want and warn the reader of its content.

    I don't have trouble with obscenities as long as all the other words in the dictionary get equal time. I am easily bored by the same ones taking up space and serving no purpose.

    Pornography is boring, eroticism is awesome, racism brings out truth so it (racism) can be addressed and ridiculed.

    I don't have trouble with subject matter as long as opposing views get equal air time.

    Every voice should be heard, every life is important, every word has meaning... no one should choose for me.

  11. There is nothing taboo to write about. From gummy bears to the soul's spiritual climb up life's mountain and beyond--all of it is subject to the pen, whether in prose or poetry.

  12. I just lfted some weighty sh&& off my shoulders and dumped it here. Peek if you like.

    50 foot no big deel less you pushing 51 cher

    EF edit:  I understand your troll problem. BTW -Where you at dawlin? ICCW by the burger shack?

  13. Only if you write about it in a flippant way.

  14. no further explanation required, just no.

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