
Is there A way? ((paranormal))?

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To contact a spirit without using a Ouija Board.

I'm really into that stuff and to tell you the truth, I truley think i'm a medium. please all i ask is to get a way to contact the lost.

if you don't believe me,,, then just leave.

I dont feel like hearing you say im on drugs.




  1. Stay away from the Ouija board! They can open the door to danger!

  2. if you feel you are a medium then you won't need a ouija board...all you will need is yourself.

    all it really takes to develop psychic abilities in any way, is being more aware of your feelings and senses. there are exercises you can do to develop theses gifts, and most people with practice can develop some kinds of sensitivities to the paranormal.

    ouija boards aren't such good tools since you have no idea who you are really talking to. i don't suggest seances unless you are very experienced and have other very open minded people willing to take the "journey" with you.

    start meditating at least once a day...make sure you will not be disturbed in any way, of course. this will help you become more in tune with yourself and your body and YOUR senses as opposed to feeling others around you, including spirits.

    go to the bookstore and find some books on developing psychic abilities. try finding a metaphysical bookstore in your area, most likely they will offer a calendar of classes. find classes that fit your learning needs and sign up.

  3. An ouija board is just a piece of cardboard.  It's not doing anything for you, except unconsciously.  If you really think you're contacting spirits, it should be easy to find out if it's true or you're just deluding yourself.  Have someone pick a random card out of a deck in another room where you can't see them, and ask the spirit what card it was.  If they can answer, great!  You've gone a long ways towards proving the paranormal exists.  Please show  a scientist, or this guy - he'll give you a million bucks if you can do it a few times in a row.  If not, maybe it's in your head?  Don't worry, you certainly won't be the first person who fooled themselves into thinking there were spirits.

    Sylvia Browne is a scam artist of the worst type.  She preys on the emotionally vulnerable and takes their money for nothing.

  4. No you're not a mediam your just paranoid

  5. well ill give this to doc he did not say just oh your on drugs he stated a viable counterpoint, to the entire paranormal things so kudos to you, but as for my belief

    you have to learn this on your own, its impossible to train someone over the enternet because if osmething goes wrong its really hard to do something about it, your best bet is to seek out a medium nearby and look in the yellow pages seriously youll be suprised how many, arrange a meeting with htem, most of them are happy to help someone develop their gifts good luck! and may the light protect you

  6. you are gifted :)

  7. sorry, but this is an open forum, and you don't get to decide in advance who answers your questions, or what answers they give.

    There is no evidence that there is such a thing as spirit, souls, ghosts...whatever you want to call them.  Mediums and psychics who claim to be able to contact those who've passed over are conmen who prey on distraught bereaved people using a variety of tricks.  People like Sylvia Brown, James van Praagh or John Edwards are the worst kind of scum.

    Ouija boards are just a piece of cardboard. It "works" by the ideomotor effect, similar to how dowsing "works", or that trick where you suspend a ring over a pregnant womans belly and if it goes in a circle it's a girl, if it goes back an forth it's a boy. Look it up. (google ideomotor effect and get several good's one.  Skepdic is a great reference site for all things paranormal or alternative...believers too.

    I don't think you are high on drugs, but I do think people who believe they have magic psychic powers are self deluded.  We live in a culture, particularly in the USA where there is an awful lot of blind acceptance of weird, metaphysical, mystical and religious nonsense. Several popular TV shows have themes along these lines.  These shows are fiction.

    It is not a question of is more having a rational approach to living in the real world. Not living in some imaginary fantasy where people can read each others minds, talk to the dead, and heal each other with magic crystals and universal energy.

  8. 1.) Establish that humans survive death as an individual, distinct entity.

    2.) Establish that such an entity is capable of independent though.

    3.) Establish that such an entity is capable of communicating independent thought to those who are still alive.

    4.) Practice this method of communication.

    BTW, when you're using the Ouija board you aren't communicating with spirits.  The planchette moves due to the ideomotor effect.

  9. The truth is that you don't need any special devices to contact the dead.  But it is not advisable until you have learned to do it safely.

    I would seek out someone in my area who would be willing to be a face to face mentor for you.  Some paranormal research groups have a sensitive member and most would be willing to work with you free of charge.

  10. well a couple years back i was scared b/c i was playing a Ouija Board and I was scared so I threw it away in the trah outside and poured c**p(not really c**p but stuff)and so I walked niside my house and so like a day later I was changeing my room around and there under my bed it was I freaked out and so ya

    and my step mom well she was living with her bro and they were playing card with a couple friends and her brother shot himself in his a week after he died she went back to his old house and looked around and she turned on the radio and started to pack all of his stuff up and the channels started to change and they said "I love you"but in diffrent staions(sp)so she ran out of the house and she looked inside her car and saw two yellow eyes in her car so she ran down the street and the car started when she came ya creepy.....

  11. There is always a way to those intelligent and intuitive enough to figure it out, and it is not always the one that seems to be the most blatantly obvious.  You'll figure it out.

    good luck :)

  12. I am confused, you said that you truly think you are a medium but want to know how to contact a spirit. Shouldn't we be the ones asking you that question? Do you even know what a medium is?

  13. If you are a medium, you can contact the spirits naturally. That's what a medium is, and what a medium does. Mediums are one kind of psychically-gifted individual ("psychic").

    If you want a way to contact the "lost" without being a medium, your best bet is to study paranormal investigation techniques such as those that TAPS promotes. Luckily, aside from purchasing some basic equipment (a flashlight, pen or pencil, notebook, and anything else you might need for "ghost hunting"), learning how to do it is essentially free.

    My best advice is to start by contacting a local chapter of paranormal investigators. Also, going to college helps, especially classes like "critical thinking" and "parapsychology".

    And as for all the people who want to tear you down, keep in mind that your experience is outside of their own. They don't believe in something because it hasn't happened to them. It's not so much that they're trying to hurt you, but more that they're trying to keep you from being able to hurt others. There are lots of fakers and posers in the world, and haters are about the only way to really combat them. And this is an open forum, so when you put energy into saying "if you don't believe me" then SOMEONE is going to feed on it and try to reduce you with it. Don't feed the hate, there's enough of it as it is.

    And I'm on drugs! I take an aspirin regimen for my heart. So if I say you're on drugs, I'd better be able to identify which ones are likely candidates, not just dismiss you out of hand.

    Hope this answered the whole thing. :-)

    Below is the web site for TAPS. Click on the "TAPS Family" link and see if there's someone in your area!

  14. hmmmm, idk, well, if i wasn't a chicken and i was rich i would go to an area with many reports of paranormal activity. i would also buy one of those EVP devices. I think u should just sit quietly in that area with the paranormal activity and ask questions (using the EVP) to what ever it is that might be there. Like; "Did you die in this building?" "Are you the one haunting this place?" etc.

    This is just what I would do though. Oh, word of advice. DON'T TURN TO THE  OUIJA BOARD! I am a very skeptical person when it comes to ghost actually. I think you should not mess with the dead or what ever they are if they are out there. i heard nasty stories about that board and i would never take any chances with it. Some say it's just a stupid piece of card board, but you never know. right?

    You should watch the series TAPS. they give you enough valid information on how to connect with ghosts. they are actually the only ghost hunters i kinda believe are real at what they do.

  15. With all due respect, if you really were a medium, then you wouldn't need a medium like a Ouija board to make contact.

    The ability to make contact with them would be as tangible as making contact with the living.

    So if you're not making contact with them now, then it's probably because you're not a medium, psychic, or anything else.

  16. I believe you. My grandmother is as well. Unfortunately, I am not....

    I am a sensitive though!

    In general, I find contacting spirits is best used with tape recorders... I'm a paranormal investigator and thats all we use... anything else can be quite dangerous and when really; NO ONE really knows the affect of ouija boards.... its better to not mess with them or anything else like that.

    Also some mediums use a process called Automatic writing where the spirit writes on paper through them... but I also think thats quite dangerous...

    Hope I helped.

    Also, I wanted to add... some of the people on here are answering with a non believer attitude... put simply... if you dont believe in this stuff... get the h**l out of this topic =D

  17. I wouldn't want to know...cuz that's very ungodly. But if it's to contact a lost or loved one, I think it's still kinda bad but maybe not so much if you miss them.

  18. Read Silvia Browns books they will really help you!! I believe.

  19. I know the feeling.

    And people should stop using the word 'ungodly'. It's juvenile and SO last century.

    If you're a medium, go to a cemetary. Ghosts and spirits run rampant there, and it should be easy to contact one.

    Yeah. ouija boards scare me. I used one at a sleepover once, and my friends peed.... :)

    So, if you ARE truly a medium, you should just See them without any trouble at all. Other than that advice, I can't really help you much more.

    Also; Watch out for evil things!!! Some live in basements or under mausoleums. I Sensed one and my friend thought I was having a seizure. -_-

    Hope I helped!!

    -Telepathetic Out

  20. A Ouija board is a focusing tool. With practice, you will be able to see or communicate without one.  Until then, you can try scribbling circles on paper, peering into a black bowl filled with water, watching a pendulum swing, or even just focusing on a speck on the wall.  These all give the conscious mind something to do, giving the unconscious, or spirit, or whatever word you like, free reign to do what it does.

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