
Is there ANY WAY that Hillary's supporters will rally behind Obama?

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I have heard estimates from 25% to 51% of her supporters who will not vote or will vote for McCain. How can Obama win?




  1. No way. Just ask P.U.M.A. Party Unity My ***- their agenda is clear, see to it that Obama is defeated in November so that Hillary can run again in 2012. They know that Obama threw Hillary "under the bus" with the Biden V.P. pick. They will also tell you that Obama is a sexist....

  2. Would you? You beat a guy in the democratic process but he wins more "superdelegates" and even though you have more votes you lose?

      I hate Hillary but she sure has reason to be upset.

  3. they probably will because they are both under the democraqtic oarty n even though competing against each other they r still one team n need to work togethter if they want to win.

  4. Many of them won't vote for an inexperienced celebrity.  

  5. The fact that their still animosity shows that Obama has  his own agenda.  Whatever that may be is an enigma to me.  I'm voting for a clear agenda on security and the economy. Mac Daddy 4 me.

  6. It would be hard. He still might , though

  7. Personalization is a lousy way to vote for any candidate. If you believe in the party and its platform and credo, vote the party line. If those people don't McCain wins. Is that what thy really want?

  8. NO

    All those Hillary girls are clinging to their Guns and Religion

  9. Thank God he can't win.

  10. They better because this country can't take another four years of a GW Bush look alike,

  11. tell everyone that went from hillary to mccain all the cons of mccain being president compared to obama.

  12. NO, I will NEVER vote for Obama. That man is racist and he has insulted Hillary Clinton and all her supporters.

    I'm a former Hillary supporter and I will be voting for McCain.

  13. I voted for Hillary and really wanted her to succeed. Meanwhile, I've never voted for a Republican in my life--I'm all about Obama now.

  14. There was one independent political research group that estimated that Hillary would have added 18 million votes FOR Comrade Obama if Hillary was on the ticket.

    I am hoping this ends this Rock Concert.  

  15. Add me to that list.  I'm a democrat that's voting for McCain.

  16. yup.we will vote for obama/biden

    we don't need 4 more years of bush policies.

  17. McCain is going to win becase he has Hillarys votes! HAHAHAHA!

  18. It's possible but Obama seem to care too little about white blue collar families.  He cares more about rich environmentalists.

  19. I'm not voting, I don't trust Obama, and I don't like McCain. Either put in a Muslim, or a liar. not good. Sorry that's my view.

  20. Yes.  Most are there NOW.  I think all but the Reagan Democrats will support Obama.

  21. Some will vote for BHO, but at least 30% will vote 3rd party or McCain

    President McCain

  22. At a guess I would say that at least a third of them will either vote for McCain or not vote at all.

  23. I don't think he can

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