
Is there ANY country in the world more snobbish than England?

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Is there ANY country in the world more snobbish than England?




  1. I dont  think so

  2. Since when are the English snobbish?

  3. yep,,,india they have more castes,cliques and class levels not to mention religions,than anywhere

  4. Thats an unfair generalisation.

    How can you judge a whole country as "snobbish"?  Its people who are snobbish, not "countries" and not all English people are snobbish.  

    I'm Welsh but my partner is English and he is the least snobbish person you could wish to meet, so thats one English person off your list straight away!

    I think you are really prejudiced and ignorant to make such a sweeping generalisation.  You get snobbish English people, snobbish Welsh, snobbish Scots, snobbish Irish, snobbish Americans etc etc

  5. I think you are confusing snobbish with arrogant.

  6. the French are very snobbish. I would just like to point out that a very small proportion on Brits are snobbish, and that the vast majority of people are not snobbish, and very pleasant people.

  7. nope.

  8. I am not sure that a country can be snobbish, but if you mean the people, then yes - there are many countries with people who are more snobbish than in England.  But I am not going to fall into the same trap as you and name them.

  9. LIVERPOOL, mersyside.

  10. I very much doubt it.  Here in England we have a class system second to none and no, a person cannot climb up through the classes to the top of the heap.  However, it is possible for the children [next generation] to climb up.  This is achieved by getting a university exducation and speaking with a plum stuck in the back of the throat somewhere and never wearing jeans and trainers to the opera.

    Here are some posh places to be seen: -

    YouTube - Tea at The Ritz, London

    See for full recap of trip to London! - Cached

    YouTube - Tea at The Ritz

    Tea at The Ritz ... Content of this nature is not necessarily prohibited on

    YouTube, however we will review this ... Your Account, Help & Info, YouTube ...

    Here's where a gentleman gets his suits - Saville Row - expect to part with lots of money but the result is worth it : -

    YouTube - Angus Cundey Henry Poole Savile Row tailor London England

    He's no different than the pretenders you speak of on Savile Row. High prices

    and average work. BTW, I doubt the real tailors would slam the really good ...

    Ladies do not shop local, they buy directly from the best boutiques : -

    YouTube - Roman Abramovich girlfriend opens boutique in Moscow

    Chelsea girl: Abramovich's new love opens Moscow boutique The new lady in Roman

    ... Join YouTube for a free account, or log in if you are already a member. ...

    A person either has class or they do not.

    I should like to point out however that the class system was far worse back in my childhood when the country was still managed by an army of Victorians and Edwardians.

    Without wishing to seem rude, while Sir Elton John has money, he does not have 'class', except perhaps working class.

    So having lots of money does not make a person posh or give them 'class'.  

    I've known quite ordinary folk who have 'class'.  One lady I knew long since gone, always behaved as though she were famous and just swept into a room like she was the Queen of Spain or somewhere.

    Here are some folk with real class : -

    YouTube - Parkinson - Dame Edith Evans, Catherine Bramwell-Booth

    Parkinson - Dame Edith Evans, Catherine Bramwell-Booth.

  11. Monaco!  You have to be pretty darn wealthy to live there.

  12. I am not in the least snobbish,I just depise all of the lower classes

  13. Yeah america. They class themselves as the greatest country in the world when many citizens live in abject poverty and non "white" americans are victimised. They take snobbery to a national level.

  14. Probably not. We are a rare breed. My I do love the British. Not. My question: Is there anyone that likes the British other than the British?

  15. Vicky Pollard....the biggest snob in England

    Don't give me evilsssssssss

  16. all western european countries. They only started everything what is now today

  17. I'm British and I do  not think so!!

  18. Italians. When I was in Europe that was the only country that treated me like garbage. Someone literally kicked me. Ironic that many people view the French as snobbish, but the nicest person I talked to that entire trip was a Frenchman in Venice who didn't speak a work of English.

  19. Most countries have their "Establishment"which is another way of describing snobbiish so yes you will find the "better than you"attitude in most ofthe world.

  20. May I ask if you have ever actually been to England?

    England is often painted as a place where everyone plays golf, drinks tea etc. but it really isn't like that.  Of course I'm not saying that there aren't s****. people (of course there are but every country has a few!) but I really think that you should look at the wider picture. To be honest most of England is becoming the complete opposite- more chavvy than s****..

  21. France.

    Btw there are many snobs in England but most people are pretty down to earth.

  22. korea?

  23. Chad

  24. there are alot that are snobbish, especially the ones that dont work or are low on money, that is there fault...they or anyone can better themselves if they want. so unhappy people will be s****. if they arnt happy

  25. It takes a lot of beating thats for sure.

    Even s****. about the type of newspapers one reads!

  26. wow did someone say that Scotland is more posher ?? OK!! have u ever been to Scotland (my country) we are not posh. We are friendly and welcoming.. SOME English people are arrogant snobs who look down their noses at the "common Folk". England is a country of greed and snobs. ( Mostly southeners)

  27. Snobbish, lol .. you should live where I live .. we dont bow to anyone but our maker. If you've never had much money, then money doesn't talk.

  28. you must be a yank are you arrogant and do not care what any one else thinks??????????????? lol

  29. Tried Paris in France? That will open your eyes to a whole new world of snooty, snobish and aloof!!!!

  30. Depends on what you mean by 'snobbish'.

    England has seen a massive invasion of people from other countries, and yet by and large there is no civil unrest or mass protest. This suggests to me a marked lack of 'snobbishness'.

    The English seem to put the interests of every other nation before themselves - hence the massively costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which are draining money from essential services for our own poor and old people.

    On the other hand, the French will only ever do things that are best for them and for France - is this snobbishness, or an admirable degree of national pride?

  31. yes the Aussies and the Americans think there some what better than the rest.and what part of England are you i mean the South think there better than the North .

    ppl in London and around there are or should i say try to be SNOBS but they just has comman has the North ppl .we are comman but we are very friendly up her .Ive never met a nasty s****. person in the north .hmmmm never mind so what part are you asking about?AW WW ya gotta meat Catherin Tate LOL

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