
Is there ANY possibility of spreading Parvo from a puppy to a vaccinated dog?

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My son wants to visit with his puppy that has the parvovirus and hookworms. My 1-1/2 yr. old Boxer has had all her shots, as well as boosters up and above the state requirement (rabies vaccine) Is there ANY way she can contract the parvovirus from his puppy?




  1. Yes, there is a possibility.

    Vaccs don't cover 100%.

    Don't take the chance.

  2. vaccines are NOT 100% protection.

    Even a vaccinated dog can come down with parvo!  Its rare, but it does happen.

    Since you know this pup has parvo, it would be best to avoid visiting, rather than risk spreading the virus around even more.

  3. If your son's puppy has parvo, it should be in a vet hospital getting care, not being dragged around to visit anyone. This is an often fatal illness, especially in a young puppy. Your son can also bring parvo to your dog on his shoes, hands, clothing, etc. Yes, it is rare for a vaccinated dog to catch it, but it happens.  

  4. Why is it that your sons puppy is with him when the puppy should be staying in an animal clinic getting treatment?  

  5. Yes your dog could get parvo. The vaccination is NOT 100%. Its a very small chance but possible. Parvo spreads very easily and you can spread it to a dog that hasnt been vaccinated for the next nine months! You need to keep your dogs away from any areas that may be contaminated in your house. Places that your puppy pooped, ect. You can also step in the puppy p**p and take it to anotjher persons dog. Be very carefull and ask your vet for more detailed info!

  6. why take the chance???? PARVO IS VERY VERY contagious even to humans!! id stay away w=even though its sad that pup has a low rate of survival if it has parvo hunny

  7. like others have said, no vaccine is 100% effective. so yes, there is indeed always a risk that your dog could contract this from his puppy.

    but also, not only could his puppy pass it to your dog, it could be passed to many many dogs in the future. parvo lives a very long time on surfaces outside the body - up to 7 years - and this means every dog coming into your house for the next several years would be at would any dog you came in contact with since you could carry it out to then just on your shoes or body. anyone visiting your house could carry it home to their own dogs & pups on their shoes as well. this is a very hardy disease, and it spreads very easily.

    ti put it simply, his puppy should not be leaving his own house for anything other than vet visits. it should not be going for walks, it should not be going to others' houses, it should DEFINITELY not be going anywhere that other dogs will ever be. add to that, his dog will probably feel better being in one spot where it can rest and not be exposed to any other viruses outside when its own immune system is already compromised. tell him to leave his dog home - it is better for everyone's dogs.

  8. no as long as your dogs had all her shots she'll be fine but its proberbly better not to bring it over unless your parpered to pick up the poo from your sons dog but so it has no way of spreading

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