
Is there ANY solid proof that telekinesis is real ?

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Is there ANY solid proof that telekinesis is real ?




  1. First let me correct a basic misundersatnding in your question. Science does not prove or disprove anything. Science is a method that test hypothesis and either supports or fails to support (rejects) the hypothesis.

    So, no there is no solid proof for anything including telekinesis (now called psychokinesis (PK)) in the research.

    There is however years of supporting research for this ability from (PEAR) Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research.

    Skeptics are quick to criticize this work with such logical fallacies (adhominem) as no physicist was a leader of the team without mentioning they were included on the team and suggesting that engineers are somehow not qualified to run engineering experiments and research.

    I have included a link to the Parapsychological Association which has been an affiliate of the American Assocotian for the Advancement of Science since 1969. Ray Hyman (skeptic) is a full member and I suggest you directly read his often misquoted and misread crtical analysis for your self as wel as the original PEAR research.

    Michael John Weaver, M,S.

  2. No solid proof,but plenty of good solid evidence.Find it at the link.It might not be what you want to hear.Read it or not it's up to you.

  3. Nope.  Sorry.   If there were, this guy would have lost his million dollars years ago.

  4. I had a feeling that you were going to ask that.

  5. The inescapable fact so far is that telekinesis has never been demonstrated or observed. Many people have tried, and many people have claimed the ability, but all demonstrations have utterly failed. It goes without saying that someone with such an ability would go down in history, become world famous and wealthy beyond measure. If someone had the demonstrated ability, we'd know it.

    As a side note, there was a research group at Princeton for about 25 years which worked on PK. The group, after working so hard and so long, refused to consider that their work was wasted, but outside objective analysis showed that their work was indeed a flop. There are a number of fatal statistical flaws in their experimental analysis that can be easily identified (see link).

    In fact, even other paranormal organizations have published reviews harshly critical of the experimental and statistical methods used by the Princeton group: "The PEAR remote-viewing [RP] experiments depart from commonly accepted criteria for formal research in science. In fact, they are undoubtedly some of the poorest quality ESP experiments published in many years. The defects provide plausible alternative explanations. There do not appear to be any methods available for proper statistical evaluation of these experiments because of the way in which they were conducted." (see link.)

    And finally it is notable that Jahn, the leaders of the group, is not a physicist! This is highly pertinent scientifically because, while an excellent engineer, he is completely out of his element as a theoretical physicist in quantum mechanics and this paucity resulted in bad experimental design and bad statistical analysis. The fact that the PEAR research is universally discredited among physicists is why this misadventure in science remains relatively obscure. Even widely respected universities have their own nutty professors :)    

    (Note: The site links directly to the Princeton site. But just to silence uninformed critics, I included the Princeton link here as well. On the flip side of the coin, would a paranormalist include links to resources skeptical of PEAR? A certain paranormalist lacks the courage to do so. )

    So, no, as of yet there is no evidence for telekinesis, and as far as our scientific knowledge goes, there is absolutely nothing about the human brain that would give rise to such powers.

  6. I enjoyed the response from "psiexploration" regarding the usage of the word "proof".   That is a correct answer.

    I also enjoyed the rest of the response.  As an individual that is both scientifically-minded, AND somewhat telephatic (and precognitive), dismissing something that is not "proven" is not leaving your mind open to options.  

    My personality type is shared by only 5% of the population: both extreme ends of the scale of linear vs. creative.  I strive for balance of both, and have a nearly 140 I.Q.

    I do not have visions, nor am I delusional.  I do not hear voices.  Yet even Albert Einstein left room for the mysterious.

    There are no absolutes - no solid black or ANYTHING.  Sorry!

  7. None, whatsoever.  Over decades of research, frequently tainted by deliberate fudging of data and deliberately poor experimental design, nobody has ever moved so much as a hair by purely mental means.

       Researchers have often chosen test procedures which are highly dependent on probability and statistical analysis.  This is easier to con people with.  So a guy has an incredible string of hits with a random number generator.  So what.  With the thousands of attempts by hundreds of would-be psychics, one will have apparent success.  These researchers know this and it's why they use such methods.

       Testing PK is remarkably easy.  And it requires no statistical analysis at all.  Just make something move.  Strain gauges have been used, but these can be set for sensitivity, so that they will respond to movements of air.  Again, results of such tests cannot be taken seriously because they can be manipulated to look like something happened.

       Then there are those like Uri Geller, who have made careers of conning gullible researchers with crude parlor tricks.  

       No. PK has never been demonstrated.  This is because it doesn't exist.  Doesn't anybody understand the primacy of physical laws?

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