
Is there ANY way at all, surgical, or non surgical, just ANY way that i can stop blushing!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i hate it, i blush at everything! it doesnt even have to be embarassaing, i still blush! someone random asks me my age, i blush, someone asks me my nationality, i blush, or they compliment me tell me i have a beautiful name, i blush! i notice people looking at me, i blush!!! at uni im afraid to put an input in class which affects my grades, all because i blush whenever i try speaking to the teacher!!! i cant even lie if i have to coz i'd be blushing!! i dont even have self-confidence issues in the sense that i dont think i am ugly. I know i have an issue with self-belief when it comes to getting things done, but surely this cant be the only cause of my severe and constant blushing at the stupidest things! its so embarassing and just ruins my mood and i REALLY need a way to cure it and please dont tell me to stop thinking about it or count numbers or try to relax my mind because ive tried these they dont work... are there ANY other methods that people have actually done and had work for them>?!!? im geting desperate it puts me through depression!




  1. i used to blush all the time, just like you. Didn't matter what was going on, I would blush. However, now that I'm a bit older, it's lessened a lot. I don't know if it has to do with actually being older or if it's a confidence issue that went away, but it's gotten a lot better.

    What "my life uncut" said is pretty spot on with my opinion. Women that blush all the time or stay flushed will often develop rosacea a little later on in life.

    Try going to a dermatologist and seeing if they have any opinions on what's going on. Good luck!

  2. I was watching an episode of House a long time ago and a girl on there had the exact same problem as you.

    Now I dont know if there is a real medical procedure but she got one and it cured her blushing..only it was like an 80% chance of death in the procedure.

  3. i blush a lot too, this just means your a little shy, if you hate it that much put on foundation.... but honestly i love it when i blush and a lot of people think its cute, so its not something bad....and blushing at basically EVERYTHING is nothing to hate, blushing gives you this rosy pink color that makes anyone look better, a guy or a girl!

  4. try putting powder foundation over your cheeks

  5. well, i think you may have anxiety and to help you learn how to control it, i suggest getting on anti anxiety medicine. i also think your blushing may be rosacia. frequent blushing is a common sign. try seeing what a dermatologist thinks. they can prescribe you medicine to help manage your rosacia.

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