My husband's credit is 532 (rated poor) due to misunderstanding/delinquent accounts which are being disputed. However, we need a mortgage for Dec of this year. My credit score is 685 (rated fair) with no negative reports. We have made 70,000 a month since April of this year. Car loan is still there with an outstanding balance of 27,000 with no late payments. Have rented for 4 years and been on time for ALL payments. Have a few major credit cards which are all decent limits for our age (22 and 21) with no balances. House sale price: 639,000. Down payment: 100,000.
What are my chances of being approved for the remaining 550,000?
Who will do this for us?
Prior to this year, we have reported an income of 20-30k in 2006 and 2007.