
Is there Air conditioning which is enviromentally friendly? I.E. Doesnt heat the enviroment...?

by Guest58425  |  earlier

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If you are familiar with air conditioning systems, the condensor pushes off heat, as the evaporator cools the inside. If you have ever been to a desert area, youll notice a/c is running 24/7, such as las vegas, nevada on huge casinos. This makes the outdoors even hotter, since these a/c's are "heat pumps". Making the outdoors even hotter, global warming.

I would like to know if any smart scientist has found a "green" friendly alternative? I know there is also swamp coolers, but these use water. Just curious if I have missed out on something in this subject....


go Green.




  1. There is a new idea called geothermal cooling and heating. Extremely deep holes are drilled around the home and or office. Tubes are then inserted into the holes and are run through the building. The heat from the earth keeps the building at a year-round temperature of about 68 degrees.This is still a pretty expensive alternative to a/c though. However, many scientists are saying that our CO2  emissions are not contributing to global warming as much as previously thought, but if its not CO2 i don't know what else it could be...

  2. One thing to do would be use less of it, like insulating buildings and keepings doors shut.  At Las Vegas, the casinos have air refrigerators that are so powerful the door is open all the time but inside stays cool.

  3. swamp cooler and for bigger buildings they have ice bin storage systems that freeze water during the night when energy conumption is less and us the cool water/ice to condition the air in this manner

  4. If you think about this logically... the heat dissipated by A/C is coming mostly from the energy of the sun... which heats our planet anyway. Other than storing heat in a giant black body and suspending it in a capsule made of a perfect insulator there's not a lot you can do. Would the Nevada deserts actually be cold if they all packed up and left? The heat is mostly coming from outside anyway. We're just putting it back.

    Happygilmore's idea of geothermal energy is interesting.... because it is the one power source which actually introduces thermal energy in to the thermodynamic system that is the Earth which otherwise wouldn't have been there.

  5. While the A/C's are transferring heat to the outdoors, I would hardly say that they are influencing the outside temperature enough to even notice. The volume of air to the outdoors is much much larger then the volume of air inside the buildings so the heat transferred to it would be negligible.

    The way AC change the environment is through their use of electricity. Which likely come from a coal power plant emitting CO2. Nuclear is the best option available right now.

  6. Open the window.

  7. A.C., in and of itself, is not unfriendly to the environment.  The generation method for powering the A.C. may be.

  8. Actually, air conditioners mostly just move heat around.  They only add heat to the extent that they are not 100% efficient.

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