
Is there Halloween in Germany?

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or is there that Karnival where ppl from different backgrounds come together?

just curious




  1. I've lived in Germany for 20 years and watched Halloween, my favorite holiday, grow from off base parties to local German communities.  This occurred after the Americans started pulling out of the communities.  The events used to be held in American housing and on military bases and hourds of kids would come because that's the best place to get American candy and for free.  They still really didn't understand what Halloween was about or that it didn't originally come from the states, just that it was a great party.  I live in small community of about 6 to 7000 people where Halloween started about 6 years ago, my kids had a fit because they had never experienced it with the Germans before.  People came into the streets with tables and chairs and had grill parties and really welcomed the kids.  There is also Frankenstein Castle located by Darmstadt just outside of Frankfurt am Main.  This tradition was started by an American over 30 years ago.  He rented the castle and hired professional actors to come in and play the part of the famous caracters Dracula, his Wife, Frankenstein and so on.  It attracts very large crowds.  I believe the Germans are seeing the business potentials of Halloween and are starting to expand the parties, or I hope so.  Since most of the Americans have left it's up to ex pats or locals to carry on the tradition.

  2. Well.... my dear...

    Harley, Alvin & Co. have already held a "thesis" on our customs over here, which leaves hardly anything left for me to "add", because they've explained it extensively & correctly as well....

    The only "thing" I may add is, that I've noticed quite a "boom" in the past few years what Halloween articles (costumes, etc.) concerns... It's like with any other "item"...when "commerce" gets to make money on a product, they naturally will promote it !!!  So lately, we experience more & more Halloween articles in the stores, but mainly for the "partying public" & not the original "trick-or-treat-tradition" like it's celebrates in the US ! However, I love Halloween, Fasching & Carneval in every aspect it comes in!!! Lots of greetings from Germany .... Annette***

  3. Well yes, and no.

    Halloween is slowly picking up but it will never be anything like it is in the states. The best memory of halloween in germany is when the turkish kids used to sneak on post, wearing their mothers clothes and makeup, it was totally hilarious. At least I taught them the good ol' "Trick or treat, smell my feet..." way of requesting goodies.

    Anyways, Germans have something called Fashing. It is more popular in certain areas, such as Cologne (Koln), and is typically celebrated during the week before Lent.

    Here is a pretty funny link to what Germans look like during Fashing. It often involves a parade where you get tossed candy from people on makeshift floats.

    Honestly, I know people will say otherwise but Fashing varies depending on what part of Germany you're in.

    Hope that helped.

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