
Is there Popular Support for Prince William as King after Queen Elizabeth II dies?

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Will this cause support for the royal family to increase? And make them more in touch with the people? As some people say they are not, and I disagree.




  1. Let's just say it would be more elegant for charles to step down in william's favor, given that he'll be well past retirement age himself and his life has been shadowed by scandal.

    There's no legal obstacles to charles assuming the throne after his mother, but I am not sure what he would gain from it, beside unwanted pomp and public attention.

    Since william is young and unsullied yet, his being crowned might indeed raise the popularity level of the windsors... but even if charles became king instead, the popularity of the royals is irrelevant, as the incentive to get rid of them altogether and establish republican institutions is nonexistent, the trouble of doing so being more than the change would be worth.

  2. Better William than old horse face and big ears

  3. Well as Charlie is 1st in line for the throne, I would imagine he will take up his birthright - after all he has been waiting all his life to be king.

    I should say whether or not the great British public would prefer Wills as their next king is highly irrelevant.

  4. Yes. Considering the how the people of Great Britain and most the of the Commonwealth feel about his father. I thought that by marrying a divorcee he would automatically give up the throne as his great uncle the Duke of Windsor did. Camilla is totally unsuitable consort what ever her position might be at Prince Charles accession to the throne be.

  5. I think that most people in England would agree that Prince William should be King next, not his father. I think that William and Harry have widespread support as they uphold tradition yet they are also kind, charitable and approachable to their subjects just as Diana was. I think that William would increase the Royal Families popularity greatly.

  6. There is popular support, but that doesn't mean it will happen. The rights of succession are not voted on-they are laid out in law.

  7. I would prefer that William be crowned after Elizabeth because as much as royalty is trying to modernize i don't think Charles should be permitted to rule if his great uncle had to abdicate due to marrying a divorcee.

    Plus who would want a horse on the reverse of a coin.

    The only good points i find in Charles is he wants to use his right of sovereignty in Parliament (which Oliver Cromwell stole and forced all future Crown Members to abdicate to Parliament) and He also wishes to help the environment.

  8. People would get very excited about this prospect, but Charles will take the throne and the people will adore him.

  9. You obviously haven't got the hang of this.

    The government is elected.  They need popular support - at least every 4 or 5 years.  That's called democracy.

    The sovereign is hereditary.  When the queen dies, Prince Charles will succeed her.  You don't get a say and he doesn't give a toss what you think.  That's called monarchy.

    It's the combination of the two that makes the system work.  If we start having monarchs chosen by popular support, we'll finish up with George W Bush.

  10. i think they will be a lot of support the royal family if william goes to the throne young blood and he has is mums ways and means.

  11. Hello, I think William, should be King after the Queen's demise, I also believe he will have a huge following of public opinion, all to the good.  Personally his father Charles should never, in my opinion hold the throne, he has flouted what most of it stands for, and apart from which, he has a low public esteem, I do believe we are hoping that Wiliam, who so favours his mother, will be a King for the people, as she herself was, as down to earth as possible, with a broad spectrum of interests in us, his futre people, also the monarchy will continue with him, I think his father would be very bad press and threaten the continuation of the monarchy. hope this epistle helps lol, best wishes Janx

  12. It's not a question of popular support, it's a question of legal succession to the throne.  Clarles will automatically succeed his mother when she dies.  And yes, I do think he will be a better sovereign for this millenium than his mother, God Bless Her!

  13. I dont think it will make a difference, he will be King regardless of his popularity.  And that Kate Middleton will be even hotter than Diana.

  14. well i want him king rather than charles as he is a nasty piece of work and i wouldnt trust him being the head of our great state

  15. I thought if Prince Charles decided not to take the throne, it would pass to his brothers and their children, not to his sons?

    I don't know, I don't really get it. I don't want Prince William, I think he's a bit of a chav. Did you see the awful speeches that he and Harry gave at the Diana memorial concert? They were truly terrible public speakers.

    And all the quotes from them that I've seen in the papers have made them sound really stupid, too. I don't think the army has been good for them!

    I like the Queen much better than any of her descendants.

  16. I'd much rather see William take the throne over Charles.  I think it would increase the popularity of the royal family no end because the general public have a soft spot for him and Harry for obvious reasons, plus having a young King would be a popular move with younger generations.  It would be disastrous for Charles to become king, too many people still resent him over Diana and Camilla will never be accepted in any capacity despite press spin about the public warming to her.  I honestly think it could be the end for the monarchy (as we know it) if Charles became King.

  17. I should think so.  How could anyone expect an adulterer like his father to become the head of the church of England!

  18. The line of succession to the British Throne is an ordered list of the people in line to succeed to the throne of the United Kingdom. The succession is regulated by the Act of Settlement 1701, which limits it to the heirs of the Electress Sophia of Hanover, as determined by male-preference primogeniture, religion, and legitimate birth:

    A person is always immediately followed in the succession by his or her own legitimate descendants (his or her 'line'). Birth order and gender matter: older sons (and their lines) come before younger sons (and theirs); a person's sons (and their lines), irrespective of age, all come before his or her daughters (and their lines).

    Anyone who is Roman Catholic, becomes Roman Catholic, or marries a Roman Catholic is permanently excluded from the succession; this provision removing "papists" from the succession has never been tested.

    A person born to parents who are not married to each other at the time of birth is not included in the line of succession. The subsequent marriage of the parents does not alter this.

    Act of Settlement 1701 was established by the British Parliament signed by the monarch, since Kings/Queen cannot pass laws. In order to overule a law, the British parliament must pass another Act in order to make it legitimate. As of now, the British Parliament does not have any right to "elect" a monarch, however, they could always change the law in the future.

  19. I think more people support William becoming King rarther than Charles.However I do not think they will gain support.

  20. I don't think many people are very bothered about that sort of thing these days. The royal family is just another sort of side show like britney spears.

  21. There is probably a lot more support for Prince William, than for his father.

  22. The next in line of succession to the throne is The Prince of Wales, H.R.H. Prince Charles. When oh when will thick people get this irrefutable fact into their dense heads ?

  23. There is much support for young Prince William. I think Charley has done the deed by divorcing Di and marrying a divorcee in the form of Camilla. The Angelican church on which he would be head of state one day, would not accept his backgrounds. They are truly family oriented. Look at Queen Elizabeth she is the best example of having a flawless marriage life.

    So yes, Prince William is a much more positive example. That's why he has such a burden to carry.

  24. what a prospect  to   follow  her Majesty's,years serving the country that she adores.   Let us continue to see her on the throne I do not believe they could better  our present monarch, long may she reign

  25. No matter what Prince William will be king.. eventually.

    We will have to wait and see.

    You never know... the Queen could live to be over 100 years old.

  26. Yes, but it's ignorant and misguided.

    Charles will be king.

    People should accept there's nothing they or even the Queen can do about it.

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