
Is there REALLY any point in being vegetarian?

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I mean, in the end, you're still eating a once-living organism, and plants, I think, are equally as important as animals. There are some things found in meat that can't be synthesized into pills. And tofu isn't very good for you in the long run. At least that's what I've heard, not sure if the tofu thing is true.




  1. Who cares if someone wants to be a vegetarian?

    They're not doing anyone (Or animal) harm, unless they try and preach their ways to you all the time! Which can be annoying!

    Most Vegetarians are no healthier than carnivores, have you ever looked at a vegetarian cookbook?  It's full of pastry and cheese dishes!

    I usually eat meat at weekends and beans/lentils during the week.

    To eat healthily as a vegetarian takes more effort than just cooking the same meals without the meat.  You need to get all your essential amino acids, vitamins & minerals.  That means eating wholegrain rice with lentils for all eight essential amino acids, plenty of nuts, beans, vegetables and fruit.

    If you're not going to eat eggs then Vitamin A and some of the B group are hard to find. There's always Vegemite to supplement your B vits!

    Tofu is made from soya beans and is pretty tasteless until you cook it with something (So I hear) and then it soaks up the surrounding flavours.  I read a book called Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy a little while back and there are worries about soya and pregnant women.  I don't eat soya myself.....  And being a bloke I don't think I'm pregnant!  But there again, one minute they're saying tofu can slash the chances of ovarian cancer and the next minute they're warning you off it!

    Back to the main question....  Yes!  There is a point to being vegetarian!  The point is that veggies don't like eating animals and they're entitled to their beliefs like you or I.  They're not harming us so leave them to it!

    You should all be eating a balanced and varied diet....  Don't say I didn't warn you!!

    PS.  I have heard that plants feel pain when they're cut but I've not heard any screams from my tomato plants yet!

  2. Tofu is definitely not bad for you - it is soy bean curd and soy beans are good for you [last I heard - never know these days, every day they are finding new things that they say cause cancer - can't keep up with 'em] however we humans are carnivorous mammals [like it or not] and I don't think anyone has ever died from eating meat.  Just use meat that is not fatty and don't fry it to bits in heaps of oil or fat.  Grill it [or chicken, or fish].  Let's face it, Jesus was supposed to have fed the multitudes on 2 loaves and 5 fishes [or round the other way] so it's been around for a long time.  If you offset this with fresh vegetables [steamed preferably] and fruit, nuts, etc. your diet will be complete and you shouldn't have any worries and NO, I don't see any point in being vegetarian, you are missing out on so much.  One of the great joys in life is eating good food.  I guess the vegies and vegans will all disagree with me but that's my view and I'm sticking to it.

  3. What you said about tofu is completely untrue. If you aren't sure, you probably shouldn't post it. There are scads of Asian cultures that consume tofu and soy-based prodcuts and they have some of the longest lifespans in the world. They are known for maintaining great health into old age.

    To actually answer your question, of course there's a point to being a vegetarian. Just ask one. We all have our personal reasons for following the dietary lifestyle....

    Just because hatred and bigotry will always exist, does that mean that Dr. King shouldn't have fought for Civil Rights? He could have used the same argument you did..."in the end it's not really going to matter". But look at what he accomplished for a LOT of people. One person's convictions can change the world. Just because you don't understand it or agree with it doesn't mean it's pointless.

    Just FYI- vegetarians do NOT need pills to stay healthy. It's an option. It is totally possible to maintain good health on a meat-free diet and not take supplements. There are a lot of meat-eaters who take I think your point it moot.

    I'm a vegan (no milk, dairy, honey, etc) and I do not take pills. I work out 6 days per week and I'm perfectly healthy. I eat a balanced diet. I always receive a clean bill of health from my doctor.

  4. when you assume that they are the same because each were once living organisms, your argument is not sound as that analogy is incorrect. Yes, they are the same in the sense that they are living organisms too, but there are great differences between a tomato and a chicken. Such as a chickens ability to breath, talk, think, and build friendships just as humans can, so in essence, a chicken becomes less like a tomato and more like a human. Although my argument could be wrong as stating that a tomato cannot think is purely metaphysical currently.

    I personally believe that it is simply  a choice as to whether or not you become a vegetarian, there are many pro's and many con's, and yes, some research has proven tofu to be bad for you, but then, how many people die of salmonela or whatever the mad cow disease was called.. There are problems with everything, and until we live in an ideal world with ideal food and ideal morals, nothing has any real point.


  5. I will weigh in to the great tofu debate. Actually I quite like it but there have been some worrying studies done on it. The phytoestrogens it contains are believed to be linked with memory loss and brain shrinkage in elderly people. Check out the links below.

    Going on a vegetarian diet is a personal thing and everyone should eat what they wish, with the proviso that they refrain from criticising others who don't share their dietary views.

  6. Vegitarians tend to look older, faster. They don't necessarily live longer. Being a vegan or vegitarian is a psychological need for some people to "Feel Better about themselves" by taking up a cause.

  7. I know of at least one person who basically HAD to become a vegetarian for medical reasons. Her cholesterol was getting so high, AND she was becoming pre-diabetic, which will sometimes happen simultaneously.  She was unable to reliably inject the insulin, and could not afford a nurse, so it was her only option.

  8. Is there really any point in anything? Some people are going to have beliefs that don't agree with your ideas. Get over it.

  9. vegetarians want live longer and feel better about themselves. they also don't wanna die from clogged arteries as well.

  10. Kristine - what a load of c**p.  Is there any fact that vegetarians live longer than people that eat a balanced diet of meat and vegies?  In most cases vegetarians have a lack of iron and other essential minerals and vitamins - in the long run bad for the immune system.

    Of course, just eating meat is the creates a similar issue because you miss out on essentials in vegies etc.  So a balanced diet is best.  

    Humans have evolved to eat meat and vegies.  Look at our teeth and digestive system just to name a few.

    Vegetarians often claim that they have a much lower carbon footprint on the earth than those that eat meat.  But don't many vegetarians have to supplement their diet with pills, vitamins on top of the actual vegies they consume, tofu etc etc.  Doesn't all this involve manufacturing, processing transport, packaging, landfill and so on........all huge contributors to an increasing carbon footprint.  

    Anyway, food for thought.

  11. Ok, please drop the "once living organism" argument. Its not very fair to the cow. Cows feel pain. Cows are conscious beings. A tomato is not. Your just using that as a lame excuse to eat meat and feel okay about it.

    And please be specific when you state "there are some things that can't be synthesized found in meat" I'd like to hear alittle more out of that... what things inparticular. I gurantee there isnt anything you can say that I wouldn't have an answer for. Tofu isnt one of them.

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