
Is there a 2-circuit N.O. Pushbutton available anywhere?

by Guest66797  |  earlier

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I need an industrial electrical switch that has 2 positions (I'm thinking push-pull), which closes momentarily when pushed on one circuit and then closes momentarily on a second circuit when pulled. Anyone have any ideas? I've searched far and wide to no avail.




  1. Does it have to be a push/pull type switch? The problem with this style of switch is that it looks very similar to a typical Emergency Stop (E-Stop) switch. I would avoid using it for the plain fact that you don't want other switches that LOOK like E-Stops that aren't really E-Stops.

    I would suggest a 3 position, momentary switch. In the 'rest' or center position, the switch is off. You can toggle the switch to the left to close one set of contacts. Toggling the switch to the right closes the second set of contacts.


    However if you REALLY must use the push/pull switch, Allen-Bradley sells a '3-Position Push-Pull Units, Non-Illuminated' switch. You can search their site for the specifics.

    Hope this helps.

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