
Is there a 'find me' or an 'accidental meeting' kinda spell out there?

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I have a crush on a local footy star but I don't know how to meet him! I dont want a love spell, I just want to meet him and if he likes me or not thats his choice.




  1. Magic and spell work is not something to start meddling in by yourself. First find someone to help you out. Spell work opens many spiritual doors and can some times be dangerous. I feel that you can have help with simple candle burning meditation and prayer. I also if you'd like you can E-mail me and i can give you some tips :)

  2. Sure, you can pick one up at Wal-Mart.

    If that doesn't work, try talking to him.

  3. Believe me a spell is nothing to play around with,it could cause you or you family great harm so stay away from that and just make sure you bump into this guy and start a conversation and then ask if he might take you out sometime,thats the way to find out for sure if he will date you and if your halfway pretty you know he will love to date you,you dont need a spell.

  4. Try stalking him, that's been known to work, contrary to what anyone may tell you every guy wants to have a woman stalk him.


    Try the spell described there. I did it on a minor celeb and it worked.  

  6. You know what they say when you meddle for personal gain...and that's still personal gain.

    Mess around, and you'll get "chance meetings" with people you don't want to meet, or someone who will be perfect for you, but you'll be expecting someone else, and will miss the opportunity. Leave it alone.

  7. You don't need to put your trust in Magic and Spells... Put your Trust and Fate in the Lord Jesus Christ... He will supply your every need... He hasn't failed me yet; nor other believers.  Psalms 9:10 And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee. Have Faith in God!

  8. Totally agreed with Keltasia


  9. You must not mess around with spells it is dangerous stuff. A girl cast a love spell one time and started freaking out because the boy became an obsessive stalker and would not leave her alone. All you have to do is go up to him and ask him a question about something. Like if he has on a certain shirt showing a particular thing you can express interest in it. For e.g if he has on a shirt with a musician you can casually go up and say Oh I like your shirt, are you are a fan of......Or you can even ask him for directions to find a particular place. Be creative.

  10. The people who whine about personal gain have watched too many episodes of Charmed.  All spells are for personal gain in one way or another.  In this case you don't need a spell - you need to put yourself in the guy's path.  Show up at some of the places he's likely to be at.  Work on your self confidence to be able to talk to him.

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