
Is there a 'finish your degree first' thing for Air Force?

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I've been in college so long it seems, and I'd like to finish my Bachelors before joining. I know the Army has the College First option and the Marines have a Delayed Entry Program - so does the Air Force have an option like this??

If there is such a thing for the Air Force, is it possible to sign up as an Officer beforehand (since after I'd have a Bachelors)? I actually have over the amount of credits needed for a Bachelors, just not the piece of paper saying that since its all in random fields of study... Can credits get you an Officer title or is it the actual degree?





  1. All services have the Delayed Entry Program.  It's not for college, it's basically you agreeing to enlist, but you're not going to basic training that day.  Even if you left the next week you'd be in the DEP for a week prior.  It's designed to give you reserve credit toward your inactive ready reserve (IRR) time on your contract.

    Talk to a school counselor and see if there's a degree you can piece together using the credits you have.  If not, find out if there's one you're close to having.  Determine how long it will take you to accomplish it, and talk to an officer recruiter.  In some services I'm told (not sure if Air Force does or not) you can be commissioned with an associate's.  Enlisted recruiters are different from officer recruiters.  The local recruiting office can refer you to the right person.

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