
Is there a 6-8 hour energy drink?

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I attended a GIECO Health and Safety Fair and one of the vendors handed me a energy drink that is supposed to have lasted for 8 hours giving you a constant dose of energy throughout the day rather then just a quick boost like caffeine does. they also had other types of drinks like one called detox which is supposed to help with hangovers and such... does anybody know what energy drink this is or the company name?




  1. Yeah, a couple months ago, I tried a 2 ounce shot called "6 hour energy." It's really good and it kept me up all night. You can find it at your local store. I actually reviewed it. Check it out

  2. No, there is a 5hr energy shot....

  3. There is a product that comes in a tablet form you add to water.  It doesn't give you a surge of caffeine like most others do-it's a slow release formulation.  The taste is wonderful too.

    They also have a detox tea that works great for hangovers.  I was just talking with someone last night that used it for a hangover and she loved it!

    Let me know if you are interested in more information on these products (it's against community rules to leave it here.

  4. I don't know but what I do know is WHAT HELPS get over hangovers...what  aperson needs is drink gateroade..and water..(afterwards...) the body needs water...and that hangover should last only seconds..

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