
Is there a Correct Way- to make a Good cup of English Tea?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i just heat up water and put in the tea bag! lol! : )

  2. This is what my grandmother-in-law told me, it's what her grandmother had passed on in their Victorian days.

    It's much better to use loose leaf tea brewed in a teapot.

    Don't boil the water too hard and too long because it'll loses the oxygen and flavor of the tea.

    Have two pots, One for boiling fresh water and the second to sip in the tea leaf (which you're going have to warm the pot first).

    When the water is boiled pour it to the second pot with the tea leaf in it. Leave it to brew for 5 minutes (not more than 5, longer brewing will give you a bitter taste tea).

    Use a strainer when pouring your tea to the tea cups (It's best to use china tea pots and cups).

    You may use a small amount of milk (so you can still taste the tea and not the milk. Never use cream or powdered milk). You can also use just a teaspoon of sugar (Never use brown sugar or honey.

    Enjoy your tea by the garden or at a table with a potted Lavender or Gardenia flowers.

    Never wash your pots and tea cups(specially porcelain ones) with soap for it'll seep in to it's tiny tiny tiny tiny holes.

  3. Here is how you do it ....... = )

    Irish breakfast tea leaves


    Sugar cubes

    Lemon slices


    Fill a kettle with cold water and set it to boil. As the water nears a boil, pour a little of it into a teapot to warm it, swirling the water around and then discarding it.

    For each cup of tea desired, place a spoonful of loose tea leaves into the empty, warmed teapot. Pour the boiling water into the teapot and let the tea steep 3 to 6 minutes, depending on the type of tea leaves.

    Gently stir the tea before pouring it through strainers into teacups. Serve with milk and sugar cubes, or lemon slices and honey.


    this may not be exactly what ur looking 4 but its he-larious

  5. hi

    boil water in a pan then add tea bag in it let it boil for 2 more minuets then put it in ur cup add milk and sugar

    this makes a good tea

  6. well being english myself and lovin tea, i wud say buy PGTips and well ya know boil water then poor in a cup with the amount of sugar u want they leave for a bout 30 sec take the teabag out poor in milk [if u have any in ur tea same goes for the sugar] AND voila perfect english tea xD hope this helps!

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