
Is there a DMV in Phoenix where you don't have to do a three point turn or parallel park?

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I'm really terrible at three-point-turns because I have to stop and adjust, but the testing people say it has to be in one swift movement, which is completely unrealistic. Parallel parking is a nightmare because, again, they say you can't stop to adjust. I'm a good driver, I just can't do these things the way they want me to. Is there any way to get a license without paying 400 dollars for a class for them to say, "Okay! You passed, here you go," OR without doing these three point turn / parallel parking nightmares?




  1. Instead of running away from your problems (like three point turns), why don't you just practice?  It's not rocket science.

  2. According to the arizona dmv website, it is a state requirement.  

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