
Is there a God? ?

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I've always believed. But I'm starting to change my mind. Heres why

My grandmother has always had a hard life. She raised 3 kids alone. Divorced her husband in the fifties because he was a drunk and was starting to get abusive.Getting a divorced was big back then. In the result her family disowned her. And that Bast@ard never pays child support and just disappeared somewhere. She worked and worked. And the Factory she worked at had these chemicals and she develops asthma later on. 5 years ago one of her sons dies from cancer. And through it all she was always a firm believer in god. Last year she developed a hernia. So she went to get in removed. The mesh they used to fix the hernia was recalled. Now shes in the hospital. SINCE FEBRUARY. Now she has a bag. But after all those painful months, it might end soon. We don't know whats wrong. Theres all these infections still in her body.And she keeps getting sicker and sicker. The doctors are a bunch of di$ks the know s hit. Some how she made it through 4 surgery's (shes 80). why? Nothing in her life except her kids where good. All she's ever done is try to make everyones else life's easier. Is god using her as some kind of example?that's Fcked up. Why does she have to suffer? She's the sweetest person ever. She never complains. Always saying thank you to the nurses. wtf. None of you even know how nice she is. Why would God do this?




  1. I am deeply simpathetic to your troubles.  If there is a god would you want to have anything to do with him?

  2. She lived her life and left her legacy.

    Perhaps things would have been much worst if God wasn't there.

    "She never complains."

    Sounds like you have the problem with suffering.

    God is with her.

    God love you!

    PS - Please clean up your language - some of us were in the service and some of us were not. No need to talk like a grunt.

  3. I can't give a christian answer, but as a Heathen ...

    The Gods sometimes, often actually, like to test people, not to test their faith, but to strengthen themselves.  To better themselves.  If it was not for vice, for struggle to survive, we would be stupid fat lazy creatures, with no need for a brain at all.

    The fact that she keeps her kindness, shows that she is indeed a strong person.

  4. Ok this something to ponder..... Your grandmother did the things she had to do to survive and have some happiness or peace of mind from her ex husband, as well as raise/provide for her children. God didn't do this to her. Sickness and things like that happen to many people, but the older a person is many times the harder it is for her to recover. Multiple surgeries, can also complicate ones health. It is obvious that you love your dear grandmother a lot but life happens. We all must leave this earth one day, but you can gain from your grandmothers experiences, strength, and example. I think the most important thing you can do instead of being angry is continue to show your grandmother  love while she is able to appreciate it and benefit from it. I think your love will comfort her more than her seeing your anger. And at this time remember it is not about you right now, it is about her.

  5. as your user name I think that you are too emotional and even your feelings towards your grand mother are too deep. now the answer of your question is that there is always a god but only in the hearts of those who can feel pain .so god is in your own heart and don't be godless just find in yourself .

  6. She understands, has that inner peace and assurance. You do not.

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. I personally don't believe strongly in anything. I do think that under the stress you're probably feeling, it would be easy to give up on spirituality. You should try asking your God and maybe he will answer? Don't give up right away though. He could be out there/have a good reason!

  8. God only exists in your mind and the only power it has is the power you give it.

  9. Dolly Parton once said that sometimes you have to put up with the rain to see a rain bow.

    I don't know how God thinks. Maybe he knows something you don't. When you think about it though your grandmother probably taught her children about hard work, perseverance, hope, courage and love though her actions. That seems like a good thing.

  10. Blaming God for the things mentioned in your book you just wrote is like blaming General Motors for DWI accidents.

      You have a reprobate mind for sure.

  11. I stopped reading at the first sentence.

    God does not help ALL people for many reasons. It could be satan keeping her down.

    Satan's making you not want to believe. Because of all this bad stuff that's happening. Pray.

  12. God thoughts are higher than your thoughts you may not understand why he does thing and why not. But just know that Jesus is always there for you and he loves you so much that it is not understood. Don't you worry about a thing jesus wants you to give all of your worries to him. God is waiting for you to come to him his arms are ALWAYS opened so when you feel the need to run to him you are always welcomed.

  13. God does not exist, is the simple answer.

  14. Whatever God is or isn't, one thing seems likely to me: it's beyond our comprehension to understand anything that complex.

    Trying to answer questions like "why do terrible things happen" doesn't mean you have to decide if you believe in God or not.  You're looking for meaning where there might not be any.

    It could just be that "S**T happens.  There doesn't have to be a reason for it.  Life is in motion.  Random collisions of circumstance.


  15. Every person who has been born has died.  Yes it is sad to see someone like your grandmother suffer through life like that and there are many millions of others who have done the same.  The evils we see are because we live in a world with Satan as its god. (John 12:31--Now there is a judging of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.)  Soon Satan and his entire world system of things will be removed and we will be ushered into the thousand year reign of Christ when all these things that cause suffering will be gone.  God promises that pain, suffering and even death will be things of the past (Revelation 21:4--And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”)  Even those who have died will have the opportunity for life in the paradise EARTH that that kingdom rule will bring.  If your grandmother dies before then she can still benefit by being resurrected to life in that paradise.  If this interest you contact Jehovah's Witnesses who will show you much more of what the Bible REALLY teaches.

  16. yes. God would allow this to happen. It seems like that she has been a great warrior for God because in the midst of her troubles in life he is with her. My mother also had a lot of health problems. But she stood high on God. She took him with her to the grave and we believe that we will see her again. I hope that you don't too upset with me but Jesus is her reason. What what he does for her. She's never alone. God bless you even if you are too angry right now to believe. Troubles and problems are a part of life.

  17. I can understand why it seems unfair, but that is just life. It is unfair and cruel. You can't blame God for what happens here on Earth, because it is not his fault at all. If God always made everything fair and perfect, we would be in Heaven, wouldn't we? You should look at your grandmother in awe for being such a good strong person instead of a victim.  

  18. Thats right from answered from another user that she has but you don't, the inner peace that is!

    Why do you exist (question for reminding that God exists, if you still do not believe then look closely to bible or science, since sciense tells you that we came from monkeys)?

    Why are there christians and prayers?


    Find your inner peace, some say that mastrubation is forbidden to christians and some say that wouldn't God had counted on creating a "p***s" that some people would use it in early times, God knows everything and exists!

    God Bless You

  19. God puts us through a series of painful tests in our lives to see if we can pull through and still believe in him. the true believers that never give up faith passes the tests. cus that's all life is really...

  20. "God" is a delusion.  "God" never existed except in the imagination of people.

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