
Is there a Google for kids? Please answer ASAP!!! ?

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I'm trying to make an e-mail address but I'm only 10. My parents said that they want a server made especially for children. They both have google so they prefer that I also use that. I always am making accounts like club penguin, webkinz, and all that other stuff. And my parents' e-mails are from their work and their bosses read their e-mail and keep seeing webkinz stuff! So please answer!





  2. I don't think there is such thing as server made especially for kids. Gmail itself is pretty safe though. Just don't use hotmail if you're worried about this kinda stuff.

  3. umm how about entering a fake informations of your age ?

    Its not "illegal", most of kids uses gmail cuz of good anti-spam protection and other stuff..

    Just enter here that you're over 21 ( 1980 for example.. )

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