
Is there a Google of anything in the world? If so, what?

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My 5 year old daughter loves using the word google for a huge number (the original meaning). I am wondering whether anyone thinks there is a "google" of anything tangible in the world (ants, grains of sand, drops of water in the Pacific Ocean, etc.). Other than wild guesses, does anyone have any idea what might have a google individual things?




  1. There's nothing of a googol. But there's certainly more grains of sand than a googolPLEX.


        1 googolplex

        = 10googol

        = 10(10^100)

        = 10^10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,



  2. Atoms     cells    grains of sand yes         molecules      leaves

    seebob... are you calling this child a liar?    you should have read a book before and you would have known         u cannot rush knowledge

  3. I was unaware that "google" means a large number of something. I have checked a number of dictionaries and found no such meaning. My understanding is the the word Google was a word created specifically by the creators of the Google website.

    I don't believe "google" is a collective noun representing anything

  4. A googol is 1 times ten to the 100th power (1 followed by 100 zeroes). There are only about ten to the 53rd power of atoms in the universe.  

    In the world? Nothing even close!!!!!!!

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