
Is there a HD Handycam that produces bokeh (sharp foreground object and blurred background) videos?

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I would like to know if there is a HD Handycam that produces a bokeh effect (sharp focus on the foreground object with a washed out background). If not, can this be achieved any other lens or accessories?




  1. You need to shoot with a wide aperture and preferably a short focal length.  You'll probably need a high shutter speed too unless the light levels are low enough.

  2. I think the hdc sd9 can do mean fade in/out?

    check the specs

  3. There are two filters that can be added to any camera to get this effect. 1. Assuming the camera has an adjustable iris, use a Neutral Density filter to open the aperature to maximum. 2. Use a center clear filter, this will keep the focus sharp for any object in the center of the picture and surround it with blurred focus. you can make your own by taking a clear filter and putting vaseline gel arould the outside, keeping the center dry (never do this to a camera lens, just the filter).

    Some video editing programs can perform a similar effect (selective blur).

  4. I can do it with mine. Sony FX1.

  5. You just need to use the manual controls... I presume you are talking about the racking that happens right around 00:35 at

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