
Is there a Paranormoil House Inspector?

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Please help. I need to get the darkness my ex left out of this house and possibly others. One gets the chills as they walk to the other side of the house near the guest room and upstairs in the same area.




  1. Hey it saves on air conditioning bill so don't complain :)

  2. I have had similar problems in my house.  There is a ministry at my church called, Wholeness Ministry.  I had someone from that team come to my house and pray over it, in each room, annointing and blessing as she went.  It made an immediate profound difference in my house and my husband.  You really should consult a trained person when dealing with the demonic, b/c you could really make things worse if you don't deal with them correctly.  I go to a Free Methodist church but many denominations have a ministry like this.  Instead of a paranormal investigator, who will only identify them, get a Christian in there who can actually drive them out. Good Luck.

  3. try this... I don't know if this will work but I've heard it does.  Take a coconut and roll it on the floor against the walls throughout the whole house with your foot. Then after you're done take it outside and smash it on the ground. They say that if the milk inside is the whitish color it is supposed to be then there are no evil spirits inside, but if it's a more greyish or almost blood red color then it captured and got rid of the evil spirits. Good luck!

  4. Lavender, lots and lots of fresh lavender.  Use oil burners if you can't get it fresh.  I had the same trouble with my perceptions and found that either lavender did the trick or there was a psychosomatic effect that did wonders.  In some traditions lavender dispels bad energies so I thought I would give it a go.  Give it as go, if nothing else the house will smell like a bunch of lavender and that can't be a bad thing. :)

  5. put the keyboard down, step away from the computer. We don't want you to hurt your self. Now call 911 and request a trip to Belvue. and quit snorting the drano.

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