
Is there a Parapsychologist that studies Mediums?

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Is there a Parapsychologist that studies Mediums?




  1. Gary Schwartz is the guy you're looking for.

    Here's his Amazon page:

    Here's the VERITAS "World Hypothesis" page:

    You can see by some of the titles that this guy is not a researcher but a crusader.  Naming his pet project VERITAS after the Roman goddess of truth tips his hand a bit.  If Truth is so evident there's no need to use the name.  It's bit bit like saying, "Trust me."  However, like Sheldrake, he has the credentials so he'll be taken seriously.  At least for a while.

    Here are some evaluations of his work:

    Here is a link breaking down how detached with reality Schwartz really is:

    My favorite part is how Schwartz employs the spirit of his dead grandmother to escort the spirit of the person being read to the mediums who are doing the reading.

  2. This has been studied by Dr. Gary Schwartz at the University of Arizona called the VERITAS program (link below) the work continues with a new program name.

    I have also included a link to a podcast interview with Dr. Schwartz.

    He has written several books about his research. The most popular is perhaps the After Life Experiments (link below).


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