
Is there a Q about something in philosophy or life you feel is off-limits?

by  |  earlier

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Could you, will you, voluntarily specify the general nature of the topic you consider off-limits? I am asking a serious Q, and I am not asking about perversions or your personal emotional taboos. After all, this is a Q about topics addressed by philosophers, not psychiatrists or priests or preacher-pastors. Also, this is not a generally worthless version of the frequent Q like "What is the meaning of life?"




  1. I agree with the general rules- where the off limits questions are generally the ones that fall under the category " POOR TASTE".

    WHen one will be compelled to skim or pass the question WHEN IN THE ANSWERING MODE because answering it feels distasteful or even just uncomfortable, then it should flag some bells that say "WATCH It, " OR i AM WATCHING  THIS QUESTION- SIR OR MA'AM" at the get-go.

  2. I guess questioning the validity of asking philosophical questions would create an irresolvable paradox, so you could say that was off limits.

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