
Is there a Ski Length Calculator?

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I want a Web-Based Ski Length Calculator or a Ski Length Formula so I can tell what size I want. And by the way don't ask for my height, weight and skill level becasue I want to keep that Private.




  1.  I used .

    The skis which I bought fit perfect.




  2. has it.

  3. There is a convenient ski length calculator in both cm and inches at  which everyone references.
    All the other tips mentioned above are good... however, one of the best is this:

    If you are unsure of your continued interest in skiing, don't buy.
    If you are a growing boy or girl, who's body is still changing, don't  You can get fitted to your current height, weight, skiing ability, and snow conditions (temp, slipperyness, wetness, etc.) EVERY time you visit the slopes and ensure the proper fit of your boots, poles, and skis.

    That's not to say that you shouldn't invest in a good pair of skis and equipment, but getting to a professional ski shop for good advice (BEFORE YOU'RE ON YOUR WAY TO THE SLOPES) will pay off for you.  You could rent at the pro shop, or at the slopeside rental shop, but go early, and beat the rush each day, when they  have the most selection.
    If you're concerned about boot size and want to make sure you have a comfortable fit, ask them to choose the newest boot in your size possible, so that the padding and cushioning will be best and not worn/compacted.
    Dry warm feet are just about as important as dry warm hands!

    Finally, invest in a quality pair of ski googles for your face, and a skimask or hoody that will shut out the wind. Expect to pay about $35 for a good quality pair of goggles.  You can find deals at the end of the season, in preparation for next year.

    And if you want to invest in a used pair of skis, with adjustable bindings for different boots, etc, most ski resorts will sell off their adjustable demonstrator skis on the last weekend before closing, for deep discounted prices! Ask the clerks when they are not busy, and tell them you want to save cash and are willing to wait to buy something that will give you quality and flexibility, as you learn and change boots/gear/slopes.  They should be able to  help or advise you.  But recognize that they will make more commission by selling you a new pair with completely customized bindings than a used demo pair (that they also want to move)!

  4. yes, just visit

  5. Problem... I am from the rest of the world (other than the USA) that doesn't measure in pounds or my height in inches and I can't be bothered finding yet another site to translate...

  6. yes, yes there is.  but you should still go to a shop.

    But if you want to keep your height weight and ability private on an internet question forum - you have other issues you need to address.... like paranoia....


    good day



  9. Yes, there is.  Go to  You will have to enter your height and weight but they don't know who you are so not a big deal.

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