
Is there a Trick to Correct Diving, mine is a Belly Flop?

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Is there a Trick to Correct Diving, mine is a Belly Flop?




  1. try making a point with your hands above your head and try and hit the water with you head.

  2. well if you dive with your hands/head first, you should be able to master the dive

  3. haha if their is i wish i knew it!! haha i just try to stay clear of diving...


  4. yeah deffently...what you do...

    1. take ur mark...load all of your wait on ur back leg so its like a spring...

    2. when the whistle blows..puch up and out and make sure it middle fingure hits the water first...

    ...this has helped me and it really does...i used to have trouble with dives too.

  5. I recommend you take diving lessons at your local aquatic center so you learn how to do it correctly and safely ....... = )

  6. Make sure you are at the deep -end, at least 1.8m of water is best.

    Your head is your heaviest bit and that needs to lead you into the water.  To avoid a belly flop you should always keep your head down with your chin glued to your chest until you are in the water.  Your arms should be straight and pressing against  your ears so your head is protected by them with your hands together, fingers outstretched making a nice point to break the waters surface.

    A good way to get the feel of it is to start with a sitting dive from the pool side, bottom near the pool edge and feet in the water.  Put your arms up as described, tuck in that chin and lean forward until you start to fall in.  Push off the pool side with your feet. Once you are in the water stretch out and lift your head which will bring you to the surface. Once you get the feel for it, diving through a hoop is good for improving your dive - but never forget, keep that chin glued to your chest!

  7. practice diving in the pool through a hula hoop.

    this is how i learned.

    it causes you to force your body to go in at an angle, as opposed to just flopping on your stomach.

    after you get this down, try without.

    it worked for me.

    hope this helps :)

  8. Yes, jump in head first =]

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