
Is there a backdoor in windows XP in any version?

by  |  earlier

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a backdoor that can access if the security is being activated? can we get thru?




  1. yes. in windows (some versions) stick in a windows cd boot up off it and go to repair. there are two ways. 1:) when it is blue w text push shift and f10 at the same time which wil bring up cmd type nusrmgr.cpl it will bring up user accounts click user account and reset account. if it doesn't work go back to cmd and tupe net user NET USER Administrator 123456 replace 123456 with watever password u want the sevret administrator user to be or replace the administrator with your username


  2. lmao. no, there is not - if you want to know why, look up the word 'security' in the dictionary and see what it actually means.

    would you buy a car with huge locks but no windows? sheesh.

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