
Is there a best place to position central heating radiators?

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is there a best place to position central heating radiators in rooms, to get the best benefits, keep heat in etc, ie under windows etc or can you position them anywhere




  1. Usualy under a window, but you can mount them anywhere you want  

  2. best places are under windows,dont put behind a door,they wont open fully,for a larger room use two smaller ones on opposite sides of room at opposite ends.

  3. Best place is under the windows.

  4. Try not to position them under a window. Even with double glazing you will still get some heat loss through the glass, and NEVER fit a room stat in a hallway.

  5. The "Tomorrows World" team on BBC in the sixties sent out a team armed with infra-red cameras into an estate on a cold winters night.

    The results were as expected, they were heating the street, because the curtains were preventing the heat going into the rooms, the presenter Raymond Baxter  just shook his head and said    "when are architects and builders going to learn NOT to place radiators under windows. The best place is where you cannot place furniture, behind the door being one of them, and if the room is large, then one placed diagonally on the other side, so as to prevent a " Thermal gradient"

    A thermal gradient occurs when there is a heat source in one end of a room, it draws-in air causing a draught at floor level, so it is advisable to counteract it by placing another one opposite.

    My advice would be to install double convectors, and experiment with the placing so that the door does not hit against it, by moving it along the wall if space is limited.

  6. Te best place is under a window. You can put the elsewhere at the expense of wall space.

  7. under a window is fav,if its a large room 2 small better than 1 large.

  8. Under the windows is not the best place, Either side of door ways is good.

    Upstairs pipes runs can be along the landing, with a short tee off in to the room.


    A bit more info due to the negative respose from peope who just guess but don't know.

    Q. where is the best position to put a radiator?

    A. tests show that the most effective place to put a radiator is the coldest part of the room, but don't let that restrict your ideas,

    as shape and size vary so much, you can let the freedom of design help you to place them wherever you want, the choice is completely yours

  9. nearly everybody says under the windows,but with most houses having double glazing it does not make that much difference where you put them if house has double glazing

  10. if you put them under the window the heat goes behind the curtains first and a certain amount will be lost through the window and circulation would be affected, any other wall would be better for the circulation of the warmth generated,  

  11. Under a window cos the radiator will heat the cold air from the window and circulate the heat around the room. You can mount it anywhere you want though. I hope this helps.

  12. In previous houses radiators were always under the windows, in my  present house they are all, bar 1, against internal walls. I prefer the current set up an it seems warmer. The room here where its under the window is always the coldest room.  

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