
Is there a better system of government than that of the US?

by Guest63078  |  earlier

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Perhaps a new form of government sometime in the distant future.




  1. i think they all suck, the united states's government is pretty corrupt, just like most, other governments the only difference is they do a lot of underhanded things and cover them up, but unlike a lot of countries we dont have civil wars, or extreme poverty so we look better on tv, but the sad thing is compared to most governments we may be the best one

  2. No, but more social government has made things worse, not better.

    France is seen by Democrats as the model form of government even when it has 8.3% unemployment, $7.50 a gallon for gas and much higher taxes.   The country also ends up shutting down everytime there is a Union strike which seems to be a month occurance. Even Canada has 6% unemployment.  The Republicans have no model country outside the U.S.

  3. Most certainly,....the power of the people. A TRUELY fair and balanced group that doesn't oppress!

  4. Grass is always greener on the other side of the hill, Look at the government of Canada where they have achieved a budget surplus for the past 11 years and continually pay down the public debt.

  5. As a race, humans have looked for the best system. The U.S. does have a good system, on paper. But the practice has been warped. A free society that has their government lie to them on a regular basis is not a good sign.A government that spies on it's citizens is not a good sign. A government that concocts lies to start an invasion is not a good sign............I could go on forever.

  6. What they have on that island in Lost seems to work pretty well. Ben has final say on everything, and you know what? Stuff gets done.

  7. Yep.

    This obviously isn't working, cause all people are doing is complaining.

  8. YES. Except that it must be in the NEAR future.

    This country is going to continue to go downhill, faster and faster, until and unless we REMOVE the corporate power from the election process.

    We have to go back and rescind the most damaging piece of legislation ever conceived - when the Supreme Court ruled that a CORPORATION IS A PERSON.

    Uh....excuse me?

    Of course a corporation is NOT a person.

    But because of that ruling, the corporation has become increasingly powerful, and has gradually insinuated itself into our VOTING process.

    Corporations donate hundreds of millions of dollars to political candidates, and CEOs are rewarded by sitting on government panels to set policy.

    The energy industry is a good, currently relevant example of this.

  9. YES           LIBYA        CUBA

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