
Is there a better way to get rid of the itch of a mosquito bite without scratching?

by Guest62114  |  earlier

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Is there a better way to get rid of the itch of a mosquito bite without scratching?




  1. "X" it out

  2. Use " After Bite", get it at Walgreens or put some whiskey, gin, vodka on it. While you're at it, make yourself a cocktail and after a few drinks you wont care if it itches.

  3. all these will sting abit, but

    i do it when don't have my "INSECT BITE RELIEF" med.

    bought at Walgreens.......

    rub lemon juice right on it,

    cig ashes,

    grammas remedy good ol rubbing alcohol

  4. Instead of scratching, which just spreads the histamine in the bite, try slapping it. I used to do that with new tattoos and it worked. Also try a cortosone cream like Cortaid to relieve the symptoms.

  5. Studies show that the "X" method doesn't really work.  Just use any a spray or ointment.  Try a paste made from oatmeal.

  6. The "X" c**p is simply that c**p! It doesn't work, it is all in your head. Put a little cortizone cream or anti itch cream on it and it won't itch and go away.  

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