
Is there a big difference between practice golf balls and new golf balls?

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Is there a big difference between practice golf balls and new golf balls?




  1. You asking the pro's here or just the general players??..

    Pro's playing tournaments, no difference at all, they practise with brand new pills...

    General Players yes there is diferences, you will probably find that everyone's practise bag has all types of different balls.. Balls that have been hit 400 times each... The rock hard balls you probably would never effect by hitting that many times, although the softer compression balls will loose consistancy in the ball meaning it wont react in the same manner as a brand new ball.

  2. I asked the pro at the golf course today what the difference was because the practice balls were 15 dollars less.  He said that the practice balls were made just for practice or sometimes there is a small blemish on the cover. So there is not really a big difference

  3. Besides being scuffed and scratched, they can also have been taken out of a water hazard on a course. All of these things can affect the trajectory. Even new "range" balls are different than new "tour" balls. They are wound differently and made with cheaper materials.

    How big a difference depends on your level of play. If you like to "draw" the ball or put back spin on it, then you may see a difference. If you are an average weekend player, maybe not as much of a difference.

  4. yes there is. Money, as well as flight, distance, spin, and performance.

  5. Range balls are 'dead' balls - their flight is not as far.

  6. Practice golf ball can be used scrffed up ball picked up from golf courses. New balls are self explanatory.

  7. well new ones are probably ones I think

  8. yeah um well pratice ones r like little wiffle balls and then theres normal

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