
Is there a blocker that can be used to prevent graffiti after a wall has been primed?

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A solution that I can use that if graffiti is put back on a wall that I just primed, that it will easily come off without repainting.




  1. try a professional paint store ask for "Graffiti- eaze" its a clear coat that is applied over the finish coat the seals and prevents other paints from adhering to the surface and makes it easy to remove graffiti with mild solvent or soap and water, hope thats what you're looking for.

  2. Used to sell some stuff at my janitorial supply called Graffiti Gaurd. Also Graffiti Away to remove it.

    Sold this to a contractor for Caltrans

  3. My first thought was that if there were everyone would be using it and we would no about it because graffiti  is such a major problem. However, I wonder if one of the products that you can add to paint or add on after painting to repel mold and mildew would work; maybe not. I really don't think there is a product but I hope you find something!~)

  4. primer paint killz is the best for that stuff

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