
Is there a book club online for teens - ages 13-16?

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I am looking for some places - or place - where students can discuss books they have all read at the same time, like an online forum, or moderated discussion. The books could range from Greek plays, through all of literature to contemporary novels.




  1. If you goodle "online teen book club" you will get lots of hits.

    I provide just two of many below.

  2. Unfortunately, there aren't many teens who read John Steinbeck.

  3. Our teens organized one, they discussed the books, and received discounts on the books they bought at Barnes and Noble.

    If you cannot find one, do as they did organize one, hang a flier in the library, or post it in the local newspaper, at a college, or see if a local college, or your library has a literature club that you can join.

    On line clubs may be plentiful but nothing beats getting together for a good discussion in person.

    Good luck.

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